Page 15 of Sugar Daddies
“Are you joining us?” he said, his voice hypnotically low.
I didn’t have a voice at all, trapped in the headlights.
He smiled and it was a dirty smile. “Rick needs to come. He’d appreciate your help.”
I tore my eyes from Carl, and Rick was still smiling, his posture relaxed.
“So, how about it, pony girl?” Carl asked. “Are you joining us, or not?”
And suddenly I was aware that he was staring at my tits, or more precisely my nipples that were poking through thin satin. He licked his lips, and my poor heart. It jumped and hammered, and my mouth was dry and my pussy was soaking wet. Rick rolled onto his back and took hold of his dick, and there was a glint of metal in the lamplight.
“Well?” Carl prompted. “What’s it to be? I’ll do the honours if you won’t.”
Fuck or flight.
I glanced back along the landing, to the shadows of the guest bedroom.
Fuck or flight. Fuck or flight. Fuck or flight.
Another glint of metal caught my eye as Rick moved, and his cock was big, too. My mind whizzed at the thought of two big cocks pushing into me, stretching me. Anddeep. Carl demanding I take them all the way.
Carl pulled back the bedcovers and stepped aside, waiting.
Fuck or flight.
I took a breath.
And then I stepped inside.
I couldn’t resist flashing Rick a look that told him so, but he wasn’t looking at me, he was looking right at her. I can’t say I blamed him. The girl was born to be fucked. An entirely indecent nightdress offered her no modesty. It barely covered her nipples, pulled tight over the creamy swell of her tits. They were bigger than they’d appeared in her dress, spilling over the fabric and resting heavily against her ribs. Her nipples were hard little nubs and they betrayed her, as did the dark little bunch of her knickers, wet enough that the fabric was pressed to her slit. Her legs were long, and riding sure suited her. Her thighs were toned and strong, her arse shapely before it nipped into her waist.
She was carrying a little flesh around her hips, and it was delightful. The girl’s body was delightful. And my cock was hard again.
She’d noticed, too, eying me warily, despite her blatant hunger for a piece of Rick.
She’d intended to fuck. There’s no way she’d have opted for the fantasy nightdress otherwise. That suited me, too. I have no time for games or the useless pretence of being coy.
In silence we took each other’s measure, and she showed her grit.
The girl made her way over slowly, delicately, eyes wide and lips parted. I watched the rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed, sensing the thump of her heartbeat as she battled her nerves.
The wine would have certainly helped.
She approached to within reach and I patted the bed, indicating she should take up position beside Rick. The bed was more than ample for three, we’d been sure of that when we’d purchased it. It was decadent and comfortable, with exceptionally decent springs. She tested it out, her tight little rump perched on the edge.
Her eyes met mine, and she gasped as I stepped closer, pulling her legs up and away from me and shimmying over to Rick.
It’s always such an error of judgement on their part. They invariably think that Rick is theniceone. Thesafeone. And while Rick is both of those things, he’s also a dirty, kinky little freak who’s easily as brutal as me in the right conditions. Stretching is his thing, stretching and body fluids, and boundary-pushing filth.
It’s one of the reasons I love him.
I do love them dirty.
Rick met my eyes and I knew the drill immediately. He was ready to fuck, and he was ready to fuck hard.
Katie was jumpy, she flinched as I climbed up beside her, squirming away before I’d even touched her. I probably wouldn’t touch her, either, not this evening.