Page 123 of Sugar Daddies
Carl shrugged, smiled a little. “I don’t have anyone. There’s nobody for you to meet.”
“You do. You have my dad,” I said, voicing the unspoken. “I couldn’t give a shit what he thinks about anything… but you…”
His eyes crashed into mine. “I would like to tell your father, yes. I don’t do secrets, and I respect David. He’s important to me. I’d like to be honest with him.”
“I don’t know him, I don’t know how he’ll react. He probably won’t give a shit,” I scoffed.
“He’ll give a shit,” Carl said.
“He’ll definitely give a shit,” Rick said. “You’re his little girl.”
“I’m hismistake,” I said. “What difference will it make to him?”
Carl shook his head. “You’re not a mistake, Katie. David would never call you a mistake, I can assure you of that.”
It made me feel sick inside, sick and small, and fragile.Weird.It made me feel weird.
I shrugged it off. “Maybe hold off from telling him, just until this internship thing is over. To be safe.”
“That’s a long time,” Carl said. “I’m not sure I can wait that long. People will find out, he may ask me directly. If he asks me, I’ll answer. It’s how I work.”
“Don’t we pissing know it,” Rick groaned, but he reached out a hand, squeezed Carl’s knee.
“Ok,” I said. “If he asks, you tell him, but if he doesn’t, we just wait awhile, just until… it’s time. I dunno.” I shrugged. “Does that work?”
“That works,” Carl said. “For now. Anything changes, I’ll let you know before I tell him, give you the chance to do it for yourself. He’s your dad. It’s your call.”
“He’s not mydad,” I said. “Not like that. He’s never been adadto me.”
Neither of them spoke. It sat uncomfortably in the air, our difference in opinion about DavidMr PerfectFaverley.
Rick slapped his knees, called us to attention. He got to his feet, held out his arms. “Group fucking hug,” he said. “Seal the deal.”
I took his hand, pulled myself up, and as my body moved towards theirs, their bright smiles, their kind eyes… the way they were so happy, the way they wanted me… I felt my skin prickle, from head to toe, thisneedin my belly, lower than that… thiswant…
I wanted them. Both of them.
I wanted them both so much I couldn’t stand it.
They pulled me close, wrapped me in strong arms that held me so tight, and I said it. I just said it. Because Icouldsay it, because I could say whatever I wanted now. Off the script, a properrelationship.
They weren’t paying. Not anymore.
“I was hoping for a bit more than a group hug,” I said.
“Wait.” I laughed as two sets of hands came straight for me. “I didn’t mean right this second. I stink of horse. I’m muddy!”
“But we love it when you’re dirty.” Rick grinned. “That’s how we like you best.”
He hooked his fingers inside the waist of my jodhpurs, and I shunted towards him as he pulled. He kissed my neck, slowly, softly, tickling me with his tongue bar as Carl’s hands snaked around my waist from behind.
“I’ve really missed this,” I said. “I think I’m addicted. It’s official, I’m a sex addict. Good job I have two of you to give me my fix.”
Carl’s breath was hot against my cheek. “Twice the pleasure. For all of us.”
I reached back for him, pulling him closer, until I could feel the swell of his cock against my ass. His hand slipped under my t-shirt, climbing my ribs, and I held my breath as he felt his way inside my bra. He found my nipple, rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. I closed my eyes and moaned into him.
Ricks palm pressed between my legs. “Gonna take you,” he said. “Carl’s cock against mine as we open you up.”