Page 10 of Sugar Daddies
“How so?”
I let myself relax in his presence, catching the scent of him on the breeze. “I don’t get much chance for dating. University, two jobs, horse to look after.”
“But university’s over.”
“Just frees me up for more stable time.”
“Priorities, I get it.” He leaned against the wall. “You’re nicer than I hoped. Your smile is cuter.”
“Thanks.” I leaned beside him. “You’re nicer than I hoped. Taller.”
“Seriously, don’t mind Carl,” he said. “He’s really something when you get to know him.”
“I’m sold,” I laughed. “Don’t worry, I can handle it.”
“I really hope so.” He reached for my hand, pulled me into him, until I could smell beer and smoke, and him. “You don’t need to rush, by the way. Neither of us expect anything, not tonight.”
But I did want something. I wanted him. The mess of his hair was perfect, the lean lines of him pleasing to the eye. His tattoos were hot, patterns and hearts and stars over tight muscle. He wet his lips, and I caught sight of chrome. A tongue bar. I wondered how it would feel against my clit, and the thought shocked me. The extent of my attraction to Rick shocked me.
“You said you had piercings, you didn’t say which.”
He poked his tongue out, showing it in its full glory. “Tongue, nipples.” He paused. “Cock.”
Excitement fizzed. “You have your cock pierced?”
He grinned. “You could say that.”
I forced my mind back to Carl. No favouritism, as per the rules. “And Carl, does he?”
He shook his head. “No, he’s a blank canvas, not even a hint of a piercing. How about you?”
“Only my ears.”
I couldn’t stop thinking about Rick’s cock. About the piercings, and the tats, and the glint of chrome in his mouth.
He stubbed his cigarette in the ashtray. “Better go back in.”
I nodded, but took his wrist as he made to pass. “How many times have you done this?”
“Women?” He stared at me. “Five from Sugar Daddy. A few before it.”
Wow!“None of them worked out?”
“Some.” He looked through the window, checking for Carl. “One we really liked. It’s a long story.” He moved his hand, took my fingers in his. “None of them worked out, no.” He smiled and moved closer, and my breath stopped as his mouth paused just an inch from mine. “I’m pleased they didn’t, though, to be honest.”
“You are?”
His body touched to mine, fingers trailing up my back, and it was scorching. Chemistry. Fucking chemistry.
“I’m really pleased they didn’t,” he said. “Because not one of them made me feel half as excited as you have since you walked through our door.”
I willed him to kiss me, just to feel the warmth of his mouth on mine, just tosee. Just tofeel. Just to squash the nerves, and the tension and the excitement. But he didn’t.
“Carl will be waiting,” he said.
I could see them through the window. Enough of them to know Rick had the hots for Little Miss Horsey.
It made me smirk to myself. Rick, with his heart on his sleeve. Literally as well as figuratively. His tattoos were full of them. Hearts and stars and weird patterns.