Page 59 of Only Mine (Only One 3)
“I don’t blame you, and you know we wouldn’t let that happen,” Katie states.
“I wonder what really happened to Eric, though,” Gemma mumbles.
“I’ve been thinking about this in true crime style and have tried to put the pieces together,” I say.
Gemma lifts a brow.
“I think his wife suspected he was cheating, so she hired a private investigator. Otherwise, I don’t know how else she would’ve found out. None of you knew until she blurted it out to the entire town. Anyway, when she got confirmation, she planned her ultimate revenge and waited for him to come home. It’s a classic lover’s scorned tale. Thousands of books and movies are out there with the same premise. Typically, the simplest answer is the right one. At least that’s what all the crime documentaries I’ve watched taught me.”
“You and your Crime TV.” Gemma chuckles.
“But Eric went home in May, and he wasn’t murdered until October,” Katie points out.
“Right.” I nod.
“Why would she wait so long to kill him?” Gemma asks.
“Hmm, okay. Maybe she confronted him, he apologized and promised to never do it again, then eventually he does. That’s her last straw, and she takes him out,” I explain. “Though I really didn’t see Eric as a cheater. Maybe it was a loveless marriage?”
“Tyler was shocked to hear he’d been married after his girlfriend passed last year, so maybe it was arranged?” Gemma suggests.
“ mafia-style,” I add.
“And if that was the case, why would the wife kill him if they weren’t in love?” Katie asks.
“And why would she come all the way here to confront you?” Gemma asks.
“Right, I’m not sure.” I shrug, scratching my head. “I just know that I didn’t do shit to him. Except give him multiple orgasms.”
Gemma snickers. “I need to be there when you tell the detectives that one.”
Scowling, I roll my eyes. “What would even bemymotive?”
“Crazy jealous mistress is sick of waiting around for her man to leave his wife, so she takes things into her own hands and kills him. Now neither of them can have him,” Gemma concludes all dramatically. “You flew there Friday evening, murdered him in the heat of passion, then flew home on the red-eye so you could make it back in time for the party and have an alibi. The perfect crime.” Gemma smiles proudly at her theory.
“Probably what the detectives have already concluded.” Katie bursts out laughing as I glare at her, unamused.
“I thinkyou’rethe ones who've been watching too much Crime TV,” I tell them.
“His wife is probably a person of interest too, because how else would they know about your affair? She’s probably trying to put the heat on you and off her,” Katie says just as Belinda walks up with our food on a tray. She sets it down and passes out our dishes. Our detective talk is quickly dropped.
“Oh my goodness, Belinda! I forgot to say how excited I am for you and Jerry!” I mention, remembering Gemma told me the good news on Christmas Eve.
Belinda blushes. “Thank you. I’m such a lucky lady.”
Gemma smiles from ear to ear, and I know she’s just as excited. After her mom passed away, she was convinced her dad would never marry again. Over two decades later, he met Belinda, and that all changed. They’ve been dating for a few years, and they’re the cutest couple.
“I just hope I find love like that one day.” I look around the table. “Well, like all of you lovebirds.” I playfully pout and pick up my spoon.
“Honey, you will. You might already have,” she says, giving me a knowing look, and for a brief second, I wonder if she can read my mind. “Y’all need anything else over here?”
“No, ma’am,” Katie tells her, and Belinda leaves.
I look at what they got and chuckle. “Tomato soup and grilled cheese for everyone, huh?”
Katie snorts. “It took everything inside me not to burst out laughing when you ordered the same as us.”
“I love you two. I seriously dunno what I’d do without you,” I admit because they’re more like my sisters than friends.