Page 18 of Only Mine (Only One 3)
“Oh come on, you’re just afraid I’m going to tell her all your secrets and where to buy the cheapest alcohol,” I taunt as we make our way to the dining room and sit.
“I take it you’re the cool aunt, huh?” Archer smirks as I sit next to him.
“Damn straight. Coolest aunt, coolest sister, coolest friend. You’re all welcome, by the way,” I beam.
Once Jerry carves the turkey, we say grace and dig in. Owen talks about baseball while I make silly faces at Scarlett from across the table.
“So, I heard you had quite the birthday,” Katie says. “Sad I missed it.”
“Heard the morning after was the real party,” Gemma teases.
“Ha-ha. I had to drink for both of you since you didn’t come.”
“I was giving birth.” Katie snorts.
“I passed out by eight. Trust me, I wouldn’t have been good company,” Gemma says. “Between midnight pumping and getting up to take Owen to school, I’m a walkin’, talkin’ zombie until bedtime.”
“Aren’t you glad you’re rooming with the fun one?” I say to Archer.
“You don’t have to comment,” Tyler interjects. “I’m looking high and low for another place for you.”
“Hey! I take offense to that.” I scowl. “Sassy’s new daddy and I have a good thing going. Don’t be a homewrecker.”
Gemma bursts out laughing, knowing damn well my brother’s about to pop a blood vessel. And I swear I hear Archer choke on his food.
“Yeah, I’m sure he enjoyed seeing your date on the couch inhisbirthday suit,” Tyler throws back.
“He wasn’t mydate…and it was a special occasion. I drank more than usual, so sue me.” I shrug.
“I’m fine staying there,” Archer chimes in. “I’ve gotten used to Sassy barging into my room at six in the morning, and I’ve finally figured out the coffee maker, so it can only go up from here.”
“See?” I wave a hand. “We’re doing great.”
“Oh right, shoulda warned you about that damn prissy dog. Never let me sleep in when I lived there.” Tyler shakes his head.
“Stop worryin’, big brother.” I dramatically grab Archer’s hand so everyone can see. “We’re gonna be one big happy family!”
I glance at Archer, who’s more amused than anything. Luckily, he doesn’t scare easily and tends to go with the flow.
While I know he needs time to adjust, I have a feeling my head and body are going to struggle to keep my distance.
Sittingwith Tyler’s friends and family is surreal.
I’ve never experienced a real Thanksgiving dinner, not even as a child, and being here makes me feel included for the first time in my life.A family.
I could get used to this.
However, the guilt of not being with my sister eats at me. I wish I lived closer to Annie and Sadie, but I didn’t want to be a burden. I would’ve had to sleep on her couch and didn’t have a job lined up there. I’m grateful to Tyler and Everleigh for giving me the tools to start over.
“Where’d you live before?” Owen speaks up over the chaos. “Before you lived with Aunt Everleigh?”
She’s not really his aunt, but I think it’s cute, considering how close they all are.
Everyone stops talking and looks at him, then at me.