Page 19 of Dirty Bad Secrets (Dirty Bad 4)
Her ass slams against his stomach as he fucks her, and she grunts like a pig, her big tits swinging under her. She’s biting her lip, and he’s pulling her hair, pounding her pussy as another man pounds mine.
Our eyes meet and he smiles, blows me a kiss and puts his hand on his heart. “Beautiful,” he mouths. “My beautiful Magpie.”
Someone stretches my arms, shackles me to a bar, and my legs are spread wide.
“She’s crying.” Someone laughs. “How pretty. Let’s give her something to cry about...”
I smile before the whip cracks, and keep my eyes open long enough to watch my lover come in another woman’s pussy. His face turns red, eyes screwed shut, and he’s groaning, pulling on her hair.
Jealousy pangs fresh, all over again.
Two years I’ve been in this place. Two years at his side, in his bed, in his arms.
I’d begrudge nothing... not the parties, or the pain, nor the women wrapped around his cock, moaning as he fucks them, grinning as he spills his seed inside...
If only he’d fuck me too.
I kicked off my heels in the taxi, blisters killing worse than any bruises. The dawn was already breaking on a chilly Sunday morning. I was knackered, exhausted, run ragged by a Saturday night shift behind the bar. It was heavy going, I must have walked ten miles and then some. Ten miles in six-inch stiletto heels. I don’t know how the other girls kept so bouncy.
The taxi pulled up outside my hotel and I limped my way across the pavement. Reception was closed, and I let myself in through the dim foyer, creeping upstairs to my room. It was nice, clean. Cream and tasteful, without any clutter.
I flopped on the bed, a starfish on the duvet, contemplating falling asleep where I was until my mobile started up. My heart leapt until I recognised the London code.
“There’s more to bar work than swanning off as soon as the doors close.”
I groaned. “It’s gone six a.m. I’m tired, Andy. Really tired.”
“I’m wiping downyourbar.”
“I already wiped it down.”
“You didn’t do a very good job of it.”
“Sorry, Mr Perfect. Maybe you should take over the bar and I’ll piss about in the office all day.”
“I don’t piss about.” He sounded tired. Grumpy.
“Couldn’t this have waited until later?”
I heard him take a breath. “You didn’t say goodbye.”
“Are you leaving or not?”
I draped an arm across my eyes to block out the light. “Is that what you want? Seriously?”
“Are you fucking off again, Faye? Just answer the question.”
I sighed. “I didn’t come by the office this evening because I didn’t want to see you. You don’t know when to stop with the mouth.”
“Neither do you.”