Page 75 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
I looked at my reflection in the mirror, the pale wash of my face under smudged make-up. “She’s so pretty.”
“She’s alright,” Cara shrugged. “If you like that kind of thing.”
I smiled at her attempt to make me feel better. “So, what do I do now? Do I go home? Wait for the storm to ride out?”
Rebecca grabbed my chin, forcing my eyes right onto hers. “You will do no such fucking thing, Lyds, you will hold your ground. This isyourplace now, with Masque.”
“Not really,” I said. “I’ve got no claim on him.”
“More than she fucking has,” Bex spat. “She’s a stupid, selfish cow.”
“Who’s married to him...” I mumbled.
“Onpaper, nothing else.”
“I hope you’re right.” I twisted my hands together, nerves taking hold.
Cara squeezed my arm. “Don’t let her do this, you’re good together.”
“Rachel’s not going todoanything,” Rebecca snarled. “This is your chance, Lyds, you have to take it.”
“Take it how?” I shrugged. “What am I supposed to do?”
She pointed at the exit, at the floor beyond. “You get out there and stake your claim. This is woman to woman, Lyddie, you march up to them and you take him by the hand and make it clear thatyou’rethe one he’s with now.”
“But I’m not...” I sighed.
“May as well be,” Cara smiled. “You’re with him every week, he hasn’t been with anyone else since you’ve been here. Hasn’t even looked.”
My stomach was tangled in knots. “You really think I should do this, just walk up to them, bold as brass?”
“Yep,” Rebecca said. “Forherbenefit, not his. Smile and take his hand and say you’ll be at the bar waiting. Sayanythingreally, Lyds, just make it clear that he’s with you and you aren’t some scared little puppy dog. That’s what she wants, for you to scurry away.”
“I’m not running,” I said, resolve firming up. “I’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Go, go, go!” Cara squeaked. “Put your flag in the ground!”
I looked back from the doorway, heart in my throat.
“Go, baby!” Raven whooped, air-punching like a cheerleader. “Show that bitch he’s yours!”
My nerves dried up halfway across the main floor, and I slowed right down, pulse thumping as I peered around the corridor to where they were standing. Everyone else had vacated, making them easy targets for my snooping. I could hear Rachel’s voice, husky... just the perfect edge ofbitchto it. I pressed myself to the wall, and they talked on, oblivious.
“Why do we have to go over and over this,” he hissed. “I don’t want you here.”
“AndItoldyou, that I’d come back.”
“Why, Rach? What’s the point? You hardly needed this place to get yourself laid. Go find somewhere else to amuse yourself, will you? Leave me the fuck out of it!”
“You know why I’m here, James,” she said, running her hand down his arm. “I miss you. I miss us.”
“You need to move on,” he sighed. My heart swelled,thank fuck. “I have.”
Her eyes narrowed. “So I heard. Back on the work-dating scene now, are you? You said you’d never do that again. Where will you run to next, hey? Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham? This is your home, James,here.Don’t blow it for a silly little girl playing the keen submissive.”
“Leave Lydia out of this,” he barked. “She’s nothing to do with this.”