Page 61 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
Good Lydia Marsh screamed from the sidelines, screamed that she didn’t want this, but as the horror subsided it left something else. Something uncoiled in the pit of me, and it wanted all of this, it wanted all ofhim.
I swallowed his filthy gift down and opened my mouth wide for more. He obliged, dribbling a thick strand of drool all the way from his mouth to mine. I took it all from him, and he stroked tender fingers down my cheek, his eyes full of pride. It made my heart swell, blooming through my chest in a wave of bliss. My mind twisted, wondering what the hell was happening to me, but the serpent in my gut uncoiled, demanding everything he had to give.
“You are so fucking beautiful, Cat,” he hissed through gritted teeth. “So fucking beautiful.”
He rammed his cock inside my mouth so hard I gagged on impact, cheeks billowing out in desperation for air. He didn’t let up, forcing his length right the way to the back of my throat while I retched and spluttered and strained against him. I felt my eyes watering, tears streaming as I fought for breath. He fucked my mouth like a man possessed, hissing and groaning in effort while Raven held me tight. My hands moved from their position just long enough for her to yell at me. I put them back.
“Relax your fucking throat,” he said. “Let me in.”
He shunted Raven from position to place his hands at the back of my skull, wriggling deeper into me. He groaned as he found the perfect angle, and my lips slammed into the hot flesh of his groin, his balls mashed tight against my chin. He held the position for long seconds while I blinked away tears, then pulled out with a low growl, leaving me free to cough and splutter and gasp for air. My chin was dripping, streaked with spit and tears and God knows what else.
“Beautiful girl,” Masque whispered, presenting his cock for round two. I gave him my mouth gladly, feeling the familiar warmth of Rebecca pressed into my back. Her hands snaked between my legs, teasing at my clit.
I gagged harder at his assault this time, every muscle clenching in a bid to expel him, but he didn’t retreat a single inch, solid as stone. I felt a fluid-rush churn up from my stomach, and choked it back in panic, coughing around his dick like a flailing fish.
Rebecca’s voice at my ear, soft, soothing. “It’s ok, baby, it’s ok... let it out.”
I swallowed it down, determined not to retch again, but he pushed in too damn hard. I paled in horror as fluid surged from my mouth, drenching Masque’s stomach and running down his thighs in a river of pure embarrassment. My vision blurred, dizzying in my mortification, but he smoothed my hair back unfazed. “It’s water, Cat. I made you drink it down, remember? Don’t worry, I like it this way.”
I stared up at him through streams of tears, eyes stinging with smudged make-up, and right there, underneath him, with Raven’s fingers in my pussy, I let it all go; every single scrap of reservation, every tiny sliver of self-control, and it felt like the road to Heaven. I let Masque support my head, surrendering myself absolutely. He moaned his approval, slamming himself into my throat over and over again. When I retched I let it go free, soaking him with stream after stream of gagged-up fluid; it only seemed to spur him on. Finally, I felt the ascent of orgasm, Raven’s fingers working my clit in perfect rhythm. I grunted with alien noises, squelching and groaning and snorting without restraint, a strange croaky quack gurgling from my throat. Masque shifted with the approach of his own climax. I could feel it in his cock, in his thighs, in the balls against my chin. His cock started to twitch in my throat, preparing to spurt.
“Now, Raven, now,” he hissed. She heeded his instruction, ramping up the efforts on my clit until my body exploded, shaking and twitching and jerking in her arms. Masque bellowed loud, pressing his cock to my tongue as he erupted, his salty cream filling my mouth.
His taste was all the reward I needed; the nectar of recognition for a job well done. Raven backed away as Masque dropped to his knees, gripping my shoulders in hot clammy hands. He didn’t even give me chance to swallow him down before his mouth was on mine.Dirty bad wrong, they called him, and they weren’t lying. Not one fucking bit. I smiled as he licked up my tears,hisreward, no doubt, just like Rebecca had warned me. He flicked his tongue across my eyes, digging for every last trace, and then he held me tight, my head against his chest where I could feel his heartbeat booming loud.
“I’m so fucking proud of you, Lydia,” he whispered. “So fucking proud. I’ve never seen you look more beautiful.”
I sighed against him, floating on endorphins, smiling to myself as I realised he’d used my real name.
“So, what brings you around these parts?” I handed Steph her cappuccino, sliding into the seat opposite.
“I came to seeyou, of course,” she said. “I hardly hear a peep from you these days.”
“Sorry,” I said. “I’ve been really busy at work.”
“You look different. I guess this isherinfluence?” Steph rolled her eyes at me, unimpressed. I looked down at my outfit, not quite sure of what she was referring to. “The dark clothes, the eyeliner, the crazy choker... you look like some kind of goth, Lyddie.”
I couldn’t resist laughing. “Seriously? You thinkthisis goth? You haven’t been out in Camden. It’s just a black blouse and some eyeliner, chill your beans.”
“You can come back to mine you know, if things are too weird there.”
“Things aren’t weird,” I smiled. “Things are good.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Good?”
“Verygood,” I beamed.
“Good like, amangood?!”
I sipped my espresso, trying to rein it in. I’d been doing so bloody well, keeping a business-as-usual face at the office for days on end, acting like James Clarke was nobody in particular and it didn’t give me goose-pimples to stand within fifty yards of him. I deserved one little outburst, surely? “Maybemangood, yeah.”
“Bleeding hell, Lyddie, you kept that you to yourself.”
“It’s early days, totally casual,” I said. “No big deal.”
“Whatever, missy, you’re grinning like a lunatic. Is it suit man? Washisname? James, big CTO boss guy?”