Page 327 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
“If you can get Gemma smiling again you can stay as long as you want.”
“I promise you, she’ll be smiling again,” Jason said.
“Great,” Tessa said, “then I’ll leave you to it. I have to nip out for a while.” She took her coat from the back of the kitchen chair, shrugged it on. “I’ll be a few hours.”
“Tessa, you don’t have to,” I said. “Honestly.”
She smirked. “Nah, it’s ok. I think you guys deserve a little alone time. I’ve got some research to do, knock yourselves out.”
She flashed us both a winning smile and was out of the door in a jiffy.
“You have an ace friend,” Jason said, his lips heading for mine.
“She’s the best.”
He kissed me.
“Jason, what did you mean, what you said to the paps, about telling the truth.”
He sighed, seemed to collect himself. “I’ve learned a lot, Gemma. And I have you to thank for that. From now on there’ll be no more smoke and mirrors. No more putting on a show. No more pleasing the sponsors or keeping up appearances. Only the truth.”
“Which is?”
His arms came around me, pulled me to him, my breasts tight to his chest. “Which is whatever it is.”
“That’s a riddle.”
“It’s no riddle. You and me, Gemma. We fit. You make me stronger, better, happier. And I hope I can return the same to you; hope we can … you know, be happy, enjoy life, together.”
“And the truth is to face up to it, whatever the consequences?”
“Something like that.” He brushed a hand through my hair, brought my face to his, kissed me again. “I’m sorry, Gemma. Sorry for all the shit you’ve been through.”
I slipped a hand through his open shirt, felt his heart beating strong and steady against my fingers. “It’s going to be all right, isn’t it?”
“Yes it is,” he said.
I relaxed into him, held the moment, felt his warmth flowing into me as he kissed my hair.
“We have a few hours. Alone.” I looked up at his beautiful face. Eyes dark but alive. Lips full and wanting. “Shall we?”
“I want you,” he said. “I want my dirty girl.” His hands were in my hair, his lips against mine, his tongue probing and hot. Hot and hungry.
He smiled as he pulled away, and I was grinning, almost laughing, and we stared at each other for a century or more, at least that’s how it felt.
I grabbed his belt, pulling him toward the bedroom. “I want to wake up with you...” I breathed.
“Me too,” he said.
“I want to eat dinner with you...”
“I want to eatyou,” he said.
“Iwantyou to eat me,” I heeled the bedroom door and dragged him inside.