Page 297 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
“I’m off out,” I announced.
Chelsea’s eyebrows shot up. “Where are you going?”
“Dirty Angels,” I lied. “Practice.”
“At ten p.m.?”
“Late session.”
“Can I come?” she asked. “I’ll be quiet.”
“Maybe next time, hey? It’s a bit of an impromptu session, this one. Just me and Cara.”
“Cara, Cara, Cara,” she scoffed. “Perfect bloody Cara. Is she dragging you to that sex club or something? She is, isn’t she?” She groaned into a cushion. “Fine. See you tomorrow.”
My knees were knocking by the time the car pulled up. Jason’s grip was steady, guiding me into my seat without comment on my jitters.
“Not long now, dirty girl,” he said. “Your big night.”
“Just like my fantasy, right? Rough and dirty?”
“Just like your fantasy, Gemma.”
I was bloody glad I’d opted for wine. The glow of the alcohol sat pleasantly in my stomach, taking the edge off the panic. It didn’t stop the shakes as we pulled into Steve’s drive, but it definitely helped make them bearable. This time Jason drove further along, turning up to the right and parking on what felt like soft ground. He helped me down, and the faintest breeze cooled my cheeks. I could feel grass under my heels. The grass continued until we stepped up onto concrete, and the smell of hay hit me.
“A barn?”
“Not your usual barn.”
He positioned me where he wanted me, backed up against what felt like a huge mattress. He pushed me to sit down and pulled my jumper off over my head.
“Nice,” he growled as he saw my flimsy slip. He pulled my leggings down, taking a moment to trace patterns up my thighs. “You sure you want this?”
I nodded. “I’ve always wanted this.”
He spread my knees wide, testing my pussy with his fingers. “So it seems. Up on the mattress and on your knees, Gemma. Give me your wrists.”
I kneed up onto the mattress. “Are they here?”
“The others. Are they here?”
“They’re outside.”
Oh God.
“I told them to wait. I wanted to get you ready, get you comfortable, and make sure you still wanted it. Nervous?”
“A little.”
“Don’t be. You can call a halt at any time. Right?”
“Yes. Of course.”
“You still want it?”
I breathed out a long calming breath. “Yes. Definitely.”