Page 281 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
Steve the stranger laughed. “That was really something special.”
“I told you she was a dirty girl, didn’t I?”
I felt strangely proud. Aching like a bastard but fucking proud.
“She’s gorgeous.” Steve smoothed my hair, ran his fingers down my back with surprising tenderness.
I smiled, strangely comfortable.
“Maybe next time you could bring your gothic friends, too,” Steve said.
My ears pricked. “Gothic friends?”
“From the club,” he said. “After the burlesque-whatsit. The ones we saw you with.”
A hitch of breath from Jason.
What the?
Oh my fucking God.
Chapter Fifteen
I caught Gemma’s hands as she reached for her blindfold. “Stop,” I said. “Just wait.”
“You’ve been watching me? Both of you? What the fuck, Jason?”
Steve mouthed sorry in my direction. Stupid dumb prick.
“Let me explain,” I said, “and if you still want to take the blindfold off, I won’t stop you.”
I let go of her hands, and they dithered before she folded her arms across her chest. Across her breasts. She pulled her knees up, covering as much of her gorgeous nakedness as she could.
“My dress, please.”
She got to her feet and struggled her way into it, shaking off my attempts to help her. I put her shoes in front of her, and she reluctantly accepted my arm to step into them. She wrestled with her coat on her own, then screwed up her knickers and shoved them into a pocket, her expression blank.
She held onto my arm as I led her out to the car, but hoisted herself up without any assistance and buckled herself in.
“Talk,” she said as I shut the driver’s door behind me.
“Not here.” I drove us down the track to a field entrance, pulling the Land Rover off road and shutting down the engine. “I can explain.”
“You were following me? Before we’d even met? Your friend, too? That’s weird, Jason. Creepy fucking weird.”
I sighed. “It’s not that weird. There aren’t many burlesque nights in a sex club on a Thursday night. I knew where to find you.”
“It’s still fucking weird that you even wanted to. Were you in there? Watching me?”
“No. I was busy, but I couldn’t stop wondering what my dirty girl looked like, how you looked when you smiled, when you laughed...”
“So you stalked me?”