Page 267 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
“You’rethe fucking embarrassment, Jason. You’ve made a fool out of me yet again!”
I groaned and pulled a pillow over my face. “This is bullshit. Another fucking tabloid piece of bullshit.”
“You’re fucking kissing her!”
“She’skissingme.I was pushing her away.”
“Doesn’t fucking look like it!”
“Never fucking does.”
“Why did you help the silly bitch?”
I sighed. “Bouncers turned her away.”
My heart pounded. “She had a friend with her, who didn’t meet their stupid fucking dress code. I was helping them out, and the blonde took it the wrong way. I pushed her away and came home. End of drama.”
April chewed her manicured nails, which is never a good sign. “This is going to fucking ruin us, Jason. We’ll be a fucking laughing stock. You’re a stupid, selfish sonofabitch, you know that? A weasily piece of fucking shit. Helping out some stupid little slags in a fucking club somewhere, and look where it’s got you, asshole. You’re so fucking stupid!”
“Fucking hell.” I dragged myself out of bed. “Give it a fucking rest.”
“What am I expected to do now, hey? Tell me!”
“Same as always. Smile for the cameras and tell them what a big pile of fucking bullshit it is. Tell them how I was home at two a.m. and fucked your pissy little brains out. Gush about how in love we are, and how you know I’d never do such a horrible thing, you know, all the crap you normally come out with. You’re a good fucking liar, April, you’ll pull it off just fine.”
She stared at me with dagger eyes while I pulled my jeans on. “Never again, Jason Redfern. You’re never going out on your own again, you understand me? You go, we go. Simple as that.”
“I mean it, Jason. No clubs, no fucking late nights at Steve’s, no stupid chatline calls. NOTHING!”
“Or else what?”
“Don’t push me,” she seethed. “Don’t fucking push me!”
My gut twisted with rage. “I’m fucking pushing. What the fuck are you threatening?”
She folded her arms, eyes bulging. “I’ll destroy you. I’ll go to the media and I’ll tell them what a sick piece of shit you are. I’ll tell them about the chatline sluts, and the seedy gang bangs, and your little-boy hang-ups about your dad. I’ll write a fucking book. Sell a million fucking copies. And all of it will be about you, and your pathetic little problems and your pathetic little life. How about that for a career climax? All your dirty underwear in the daily papers? Wouldn’t Daddy be fucking proud of you then, you filthy bastard!”
I slammed the fucking door so hard the whole fucking house shook.
I sat watching the rain through the windscreen. Staring out at fields towards nowhere, Range Rover pulled off road with the wipers on full. Sitting. Thinking. Waiting.
My phone pinged, and I dreaded the message, but this time it wasn’t April.
Gemma: I’m breaking etiquette. Had a shitty night, was hoping to hear from you but I guess whatever came up is still up. Hope you’re ok. xx
I pictured Powell’s hands on her hips, his cock grinding against her ass. Anger and a hard-on always make an interesting combination.
Where are you?
The reply came in a heartbeat.
Gemma: Home. Alone. xx
I rubbed my cock through my jeans. Irrational anger, and frustration. And jealousy. I was fucking jealous. And horny. And desperate.