Page 25 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
I stayed in place as the room vacated, streams of people filing out like good little soldiers. I stretched my legs under the table, struggling to alleviate the ache in my groin. It didn’t work.
The door swung shut behind the stragglers, leaving just the hum of the projector and my delectable project manager. She came closer, leaning over my shoulder to hand me a file. For the briefest of moments her perky little rack grazed my shoulder and my dick leapt to attention, straining towards her with only a flimsy table top for camouflage. The pale swell of her tits was a magnet, the sloping V of her neckline revealing two perfect handfuls. She had two tiny freckles on her right breast. I wondered for a long moment whether they’d match the colour of her nipples. No, her nipples would be dusky pink; round and ripe and so fucking tender. Strawberry buttons on creamy white skin.
“I wanted to give you this.”
Her scent knocked me senseless; Amber and Black Cherry. She’d applied her perfume like an amateur, carelessly thick on her wrists and no-doubt rubbed to shit, but still my mouth watered. My pulse beat in stereo, both in my temples and my cock. I battled the impulse to tear the fabric from her wrist, hot with the need for scars against my tongue. I forced myself to scan the first few lines of her document. “Case Management stages for WHM? Already? We won’t need these until phase two, it’s an inefficient use of your time, Lydia.”
She pierced me with offended eyes. “I did itafterwork, James. Extra-curricular. I’d love to know what you think.”
“I leave in ten minutes.”
She smiled nervously, her mouth just inches from my nose. “Sure, well, there’s no rush.”
“Then why give it me now?”
“I was just, um. It was ready.”
I flicked through the pages. She’d written a whole fucking tome. “I’ll schedule some time next week.”
“Oh, okay,” she said. I could taste her disappointment.
“Did you expect I’d do it now? I have engagements after five.”
“No, not right now. I was just thinking maybe you’d like to come over at some point. See Bex, and me, and we could do it then, or not. Maybe this weekend?”
“I’m busy.”
“Yeah, of course, sorry, short notice. It was just a thought. You haven’t been over, I thought you might like to see her.” She smiled to lighten her words.
“I saw Rebecca today.”
Her cheeks flushed pink. “Oh? Sorry, my mistake. I didn’t realise.”
“Why would you?”
“I guess I wouldn’t. We don’t really speak outside of work talk. I thought you coming over might re-break the ice.”
“I hardly speak to anyone, Lydia, work or no. There’s no ice to re-break.”
“We spoke in Brighton...”
“Yes, we did.”
“...and then nothing. Did it make you feel awkward?”
I watched her unashamedly, revelling in her discomfort. “Why would Brighton have made me feel awkward, Lydia?”
“I’m not sure.”
“You think I’m embarrassed? That I regret asking if your ex managed to get you off?”
“No... yes... do you regret it?” She smoothed her hair behind her ear.
“If I overstepped the mark or anything, I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologise for.” Fuck, now my cock was twitching.