Page 230 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
“And then what? You gonna go up to her and sayHey, I’m Jason Redfern, your sicko fucking caller. Yeah, I’m fucking famous. On your knees and suck my dick, bitch.”
“That wasn’t quite what I had planned.”
“What do you have planned?”
I shrugged. “Only got this far in my head.”
“Great plan, Jase, pure genius. You can’t even know she’s in there for sure.”
He was right, it was a stupid plan. I considered seeing reason and calling the whole thing off, but before I made the decision the wooden doors swung open onto the street, spilling out a group of brightly dressed girls in crazy heels. None of them was a redhead, but my heart pounded like a fucking freight train. I wasn’t going anywhere.
We were parked in-between the club and the nearest taxi rank, giving us a clear view of the revellers as they trooped down the street. I found Steve’s shades from the glove compartment, sinking down into the seat and into the shadows to avoid being seen.
“Relax, mate, no one’s gonna recognise you in here, and even if they did, who’s gonna believe Jason Redfern hitches in a battered old Land Rover?”
It was a good point that enabled me to breathe a little more easily.
My stomach lurched every time people piled out of those double doors, but twenty minutes later only two natural redheads had made an exit. One was well into her forties, and the other had tiny little tits in a push-up bra. Neither was my Lucy, of that I was sure.
“She might not even be here,” Steve groaned. “She might be having you on.”
I daren’t admit she hadn’t told me anything at all.
By half midnight the exit rate had slowed to virtually nothing. Steve was tapping on the steering wheel in unvoiced boredom, and my tiredness had returned with a vengeance. I should have picked bed, the sensible option. I changed my mind as the doors moved again and three drunk girls spilled out, arm in arm and having a whale of a time. Two of them were hot goth chicks, definitely into each other. Under normal circumstances that would have definitely given me food for thought, but not tonight. I was way more interested in the girl along with them.
Their redhead companion was shorter; a dumpy little thing with a mass of flyaway curls framing her cute face. She pulled her coat around her as she looped arms with the girl to her right, but it did nothing to hide the plump swell of her tits.
My Lucy. It had to be.
She was a curvy girl, the promise of thick, fleshy thighs under the tight red satin of her dress. She carried her weight well, but there was definitely weight to carry. My heart hammered as they headed in our direction, ditching the sunglasses in favour of a clearer view. Lucy’s round cheeks bloomed pink, her eyes sparkling with life as she joked with the girls at her side. Her milk white skin was dotted with freckles, big tits bouncing with every step.
I go for blondes. Tall, skinny blondes with implants and barely enough ass to grab hold of. I’d never really fancied a bigger girl, never been given the opportunity. The Premier League is littered with wannabes — models craving a chance to get their tits in the tabloids. Not so many milky white redheads with fleshy thighs come calling, and I hadn’t missed them. That’s what I’d have told you.
I was wrong.
Lucy came closer, oblivious to my presence. I couldn’t stop looking at her, eyes drawn from her smile, to her sweet, bouncy chest, to the way her thighs mashed together under the satin. I wondered how they’d feel around my face, wondered what she’d look like naked, how soft and wet her pussy would be for me. Her arse would be more than a handful, so much fucking more. Fuck how I wanted to play with her. My mouth was dry, cock fucking hard in Steve’s tatty old jeans. I’d forgotten he was even alongside me, consumed by dirty thoughts as Lucy paced alongside his window, the flesh of her breasts bouncing with every step.
That’s when I heard her laugh; a beautiful dirty giggle in response to some whispered joke or other. It was my Lucy, alright.
And then she was gone, leaving me craning my neck for a view of her arse, my fingers on the door latch as I fought the urge to go charging after her. How could I? She’d have no idea who I was, other than some creepy weirdo waiting in the shadows.
I took a breath as she disappeared from view, waiting for the onslaught from Steve.
“That her?”
“Yeah, that’s her.”
He started up the engine. “We can go now, then?”
“Yeah, show’s over.”
He was quiet as he drove, but so was I, lost in a million seedy fantasies about my dirty girl and her milky white breasts. I hardly even noticed we’d pulled into my driveway.
I grabbed the crumpled mess of my suit from the backseat.
“Thanks, Steve. I really fucking appreciate all this.”