Page 227 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
The text icon flashed before I’d even cleared the lock screen. April. I groaned as I opened her message.
Don’t forget date night. Table booked at nine xxx.
Just what I fucking needed.
Chapter Six
Cara hadn’t been lying when she said the venue was hard to find. I’d almost given up when I spotted the huge double wooden doors with no giveaway signage, and nearly chickened out when I realised I had to knock and wait. Two bouncers, built like brick shithouses, just like Cara had said, stepped outside to greet me, ushering me in when I explained I was there early for the burlesque night.
“You a performer?” a pierced girl asked as I checked my coat in for safe keeping.
“No, I’m here to see Cara?”
“Ah, she’ll be upstairs,” she smiled. “Go on up.”
I couldn’t deny the excitement as I made my way to the higher floor. A sex club, for real, some BDSM hangout where people got dirty every weekend. I’d never been invited to a place like this before. The guys I normally hooked up with were picked up in regular clubs, a quick fuck in an alleyway, occasionally in a hotel room somewhere. Nothing like this.
I took a breath as I pushed open the doors at the top of the stairs. The club was big, a deceptively open space lined with plush seating booths. I made my way to the bar, a spectacular neon set-up glowing in pinks and purples and electric blues. The barmaid was a pixie-like girl with green extensions and a big spiky lip piercing.
“What can I get you?” she asked. “Cocktails are on special until eleven.”
She gestured to a menu and I scanned a whole host of drinks I’d never heard of before. I was struggling to make up my mind when a pair of arms snaked around my waist.
“Try a garnet crow,” Cara said. “They’re really something.”
I turned to face her, taken aback at the transformation. She was at least five inches taller, cinched in a tight red corset, with a tiny black tutu skirt showing off her perfect legs. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds, layered thick with silver glitter.
“Wow! You look amazing!” I managed.
“So do you.” She checked me out, and I felt distinctly underdressed. I’d opted for red, too, but my dress was nowhere near as dramatic. A simple satin number that offered a decent cleavage display. At least I’d slapped on the eyeliner.
“Six crows,” she ordered, handing one to me as they arrived. “You have to try at least once. Live dangerously.”
“I’m living a little more dangerously than I’m used to.” I took a sip, and grimaced at the burn. “That’s pretty potent.”
“This whole place is pretty potent,” she grinned. “Let me introduce you to the ladies.”
She picked up the tray of garnet crows and I followed happily as she made her way through the club. Her table was right where she’d said it would be, and was home to three women who looked as flamboyant as the rest of the place. Cara was quick in her introductions.
“Gemma, meet Cat, Missy and Trixie.”
Cat stood to greet me first, and her name became immediately obvious. She was a pretty thing, with dark hair to the waist, dressed in emerald to match her crazy green cat eyes. I said my hellos and turned to the next in line. Missy oozed class, a chic blonde bob paired with killer red lipstick. She had a warm smile, and a professional handshake, pretty much passing me on to Trixie, who had hair like a rainbow pony and the raspy voice of someone who smoked too many cigarettes.
I pondered which one of them was Cara’s girlfriend, but the question answered itself.
“Hey, baby, this must be the lovely Firecracker.”
I turned to face the voice, to find Cara wrapped in the arms of the gothiest goth I’d ever seen. Her arms were a mass of bright tattoos but the rest of her was encased in black leather. Her hair was a waterfall of red and black curls, and her skin was white as porcelain. Cara smiled, and her smile was full of pride.
“Gem, this is my girlfriend, Raven.”
“Pleased to meet you,” I said.
“Likewise. Cara’s told me so much about you. Glad you could join us.”