Page 223 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
“That really does make me a weirdo, wanting to meet some random from chatline, doesn’t it?”
Her face showed no hint of surprise. “We’re all a little weird when it comes to it, unless you like your ice cream vanilla with a side of vanilla and sprinkled with vanilla.”
“Never had much of a taste for vanilla,” I admitted. “I think I was born weird; at least I get to make money out of it.”
Her grin of camaraderie reached all the way to her eyes. “I just knew it!”
“Knew what?”
“You’re one of us! Us on the fringe... the creatives... the naughty, zany, left-of-the-track kinda people! You have dirty eyes, you know that? I told my girlfriend about you, said you were our kind of girl.”
Cara’s gushing took me aback. “You did?”
“You’re a hot, feisty woman in command of her own sensuality, you couldn’t hide it if you tried.”
I wasn’t so sure about that, but Iwassure about Cara. Maybe I wastheirkind of girl. I’d always been a happy fit with most other pieces in the jigsaw box, but never aperfectfit. I’d never foundmykind of person, not in Hatfield and not so far in London, either. The thought felt good.
The pretty creature in front of me grabbed my shoulder, as though she’d received some kind of divine inspiration. “Say, Firecracker Gemma, you said you wanted to make friends, right? It’s burlesque night tomorrow, down at Club Explicit in Soho! You should come!”
“Burlesque night? With showgirls and fire dancers and all that kind of thing?”
“Something like that,” she said. “My girlfriend hosts. Tomorrow night we’ve got Lilly Diva with her fire fans, and this fabulous guy, Mystix, on a bed of nails –nakedon a bed of nails, that is... and Princess Tallulah is dancing... you’ll love it!”
“Sounds pretty wow.”
“Bring a friend if you like...” she said. My expression must have spoken volumes. “Or don’t. We’re a friendly bunch, I promise.”
My mind flicked through my shift pattern, I was technically working, but Sheena would cover me. “Soho, you said?”
“Yeah, you know it?”
“Not well. I can look it up, though, don’t worry.”
“The club can be a little hard to find, but if you look for a huge pair of wooden doors without any giveaway signage you can’t go too far wrong. And the door’s always manned by brick shithouses so you’ll be completely safe. Show starts at ten, but we’ll be there from nine, table down the front, at the right of the stage.” She looked up at the studio clock and pulled a face. “Shit, I’ve gotta go, got my next student in five.”
I watched her leave, bouncing on her toes like a gazelle right the way across the room.
“Thanks, Cara,” I called after her.
She turned in the doorway to flash me another winner.
“You’re welcome, Firecracker. I just know you’re going to fit right in.”
I hoped so.
“You’re going to a sex club?” My mind was already rolling in the gutter, covered in filth with small talk long forgotten. “That escalated fast...”
“Yes... but no. Itisa sex club. Well, a BDSM club from the looks of it. But I’m going for a burlesque night, I don’t think it’s the same kind of thing.”
“They’ll be cracking out the whips and chains before you know it. Maybe your cute little pole instructor wants to teach you a new kind of move.”
I enjoyed the soft trill of her laugh.
“I hardly know her.”