Page 186 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
“No,” I snapped. “I really fucking don’t.”
“Think you do,” his mate said. “Think you’ll fucking enjoy it.”
“Please excuse me,” I said. “I don’t have time for any crap.”
The two bodies came closer, backing me into the wall. “Should make time for this,” one of them said. “I’m telling ya, you’ll enjoy it.”
“Get off me,” I hissed, realising way too fucking late that those bitches had set me up. I shrieked as a hand landed on my breast, squeezing hard through my blouse.
“Nice rack. Hope your cunt’s as juicy as your tits.”
“Please,” I hissed. “Just let me go. I’m the estate manager here, you must know me.”
“You ain’t no estate manager at this time of night,” they laughed. “Just fucking take what you’re offered, bitch. We’ll take turns. Or you can take us both at once, one in the pink and one in the brown.” Foul breath in my face, lips too close to me.
A rough hand crawled under my skirt, fingers jamming between my clenched thighs. I closed my eyes, breath hitching in my throat. “Spread ’em,” he breathed. “Show us what you got. Gonna fuck you real good.”
I screamed blue murder as his skull bounced off the wall. It made a cracking thwack sound, loud in my ear as his body thumped to the floor. His friend broke for cover, lurching away on skittish legs. He didn’t get far, taken down to his knees by a well angled kick to the small of his back. I watched in horror as the savage pulled him back upright, pounding his face until there was only a bloodied mess. Callum was a demon in the darkness, a flailing hulk of grunting muscle. I listened to his ragged breath, the hiss of his anger through his teeth.
The body at my feet was barely moving. I sighed in relief as he groaned in pain, thanking fucking God he wasn’t dead. I considered calling an ambulance, but Callum was already at me, dragging me away before I could get my thoughts together. I felt Casey’s fur against my legs as he pulled me down the dark pathway, the swish of her tail across my arse. Thank fuck for that.
Once we turned the corner Callum slammed me almost as hard as he’d slammed my attacker. I squealed fresh as my head grazed the wall.
“What the fuck were you thinking?!” he seethed. “Could’a got yourself fucking raped, or worse. Are you fucking crazy?!”
He stalked away into the shadows were I couldn’t see. I could hear him, though. His breathing hard as he paced.
“Shit, Callum, I was looking for you. I’m so fucking sorry about Alex. I should have told you she was coming.”
“Don’t matter now,” he barked. “Know where I stand.”
“You don’t!” I said. “It’s not how it looked.”
“It’s exactly how it fucking looked!” he yelled. “I’m fucking nothing to you, am I?! Just a piece of fucking meat. Liked it, didn’t ya, fucking the fucking savage?! Liked my filthy cock in your ass, in your cunt, in your fucking face.”
“That isn’t what this is!” I hissed. “I promise.”
He lunged from the shadows, pinning me like he’d done on the very first day we’d met. His body was a wall of hot iron against mine, chest heaving with every raspy breath. I stared up into hollow eyes, faint orange streetlight the only illumination in the night. Callum was magnificent in his anger, arms rigid as they caged me, jaw clenched tight with rage. “Wanted it rough, didn’t ya? So fucking rough. Posh guys don’t fuck like me, do they? Too much to lose, too much to give a fuck about to really scare you.”
“That isn’t right,” I said. “It isn’t like that.”
His teeth pressed to my cheek. “You used me.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“You don’t fucking want me, just my cock.”
“She looked at me like I was a piece of shit, and you didn’t say a fucking word. Not a fucking word. You threw me back onto the street like a used rubber.”
“I wasn’t throwing you out!” I screeched. “I just needed some time.”
“YOU THREW ME OUT! Just like me fucking mam did. Ain’t nobody wants a monster like me, do they? I ain’t worth fucking shit!”
I flinched as he kicked out at the wall, landing his foot right between my legs and only just missing my knee. “I didn’t throw you out, Callum, I swear.”
“Didn’t want me no more, did ya? Not when she was there. Judged me like her, didn’t ya? Ashamed.”