Page 174 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
I played with Slay before Vicki put him down for the night. Pencil crayons in front of the TV. I drew him some pictures, of Case, and his mam, and of choo-choo trains, and he scribbled all over them, eyes fixed in concentration like he was a proper little artist.
“That’s great, that is,” I said, holding it up. “Really good, Slay. Clever, you are, sharp little man.”
His smile lit me up.
Vick was quiet when she came back down. She’d changed into her nightie, one of her posh satin things. She sat by me on the sofa, pulling her legs under her.
“He loves you,” she said again. “Thinks you’re the dog’s bloody bollocks, that lad.”
“Love him, Vick, he’s a smashing kid.”
“Better than his real dad. Piece of shit.”
“He’ll get a proper dad one day, someone nice, who can take care of him. Take care of both of you.”
“Youtake care of us, Cal.” She reached out for my hand, squeezing my fingers.
“Gonna get this Stoney shit sorted, Vicki. Don’t worry about it.”
“Ain’t your problem,” she said. “It should be me sorting it. I’m so sorry, Cal. I know they beat you bad, and it’s my fault, innit? I fucked up.”
I pulled her over, wrapped an arm round her shoulder. “Don’t be daft. Wouldn’t change it. Only a few scratches, anyway.”
“How we gonna get twelve hundred quid together? Ty said next week or they’re gonna skin your arse.”
“I’ll do some deliveries,” I said. “Some bigger ones. The biggest fucking ones.”
“They’ll send you down again and where’ll we be then, eh? Don’t wanna be without you, Cal. Hated it when you were inside.”
My nerves were on edge, sensing danger, but I smiled it all off. “Might not need to do deliveries, anyway. Not now I got the studio.”
“Studio?! What studio?”
I told Vicki all about it. About Sophie setting it up for me, about her mate Raven, and Raven’s art dealer contacts, and all the new paintings I’d done and everything. Vicki listened to the whole lot, wide-eyed like a doll. She didn’t interrupt and didn’t ask questions, just took it all in until I finished.
“Jeez, Callum, that’s some crazy shit.”
“Mental, innit? Me with me own bloody art studio. Maybe I’ll strike lucky, eh? Sell a painting to some posh toff in his manor.”
“Can I come see it? Maybe we could hang out? I could bring some sarnies down at lunchtime, bring Slay too. He’d like that.”
“Over in Haygrove,” I said. “Too far for you and Slay. I’ll come up here, though, keep popping in.”
“It ain’t that far, Cal. I don’t mind.”
“We’ll see then, yeah?”
She dropped her eyes. “It’s that Sophie, innit? You’re with her all the time.”
“I’m with her a bit, Vick, yeah.” I felt like a fucking arsehole all over again.
“Is it serious?”
“Dunno what it is.” I was telling the truth. “I like her. A lot.”
“And she likes you?”