Page 169 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
“Thirteen, summat like that. Could’a been me up there with him. Could’a saved him, maybe.”
“Or maybe not. Maybe you’d have fallen too.”
He squeezed me into his side. “Maybe.”
“You won’t ever take risks like that, will you?” I said. “Promise me.”
He laughed, louder this time. “Jesus, Sophie Harding, what’s this? Proposal, like?”
“I want you alive.”
“I’m alive with you,” he mumbled. “Weren’t alive sometimes before.”
My pulse quickened, hedonistic urges racing. A need for life, to feel something, to feel fucking real.
“Make me feel alive,” I whispered, inching my leg over his. “The way I need. I need tofeel.”
His body responded in a heartbeat, his breath turning shallow. He took my hand, squeezed my fingers round his cock. “Feel that,” he groaned. “That’s for you.”
“Alive...” I whispered. “I need to feel it... make me...”
He got out of bed, hissing at the pain in his side, but he recovered quickly, yanking me out and up onto my feet. He pulled the drapes aside, unlatching the balcony door. The breeze hit my naked skin, sending shivers right the way through me. He stepped out, his shadowy body beckoning me. I followed, nervous, pussy begging for his touch. “I’ll show you alive,” he rasped. “Trust me.”
I didn’t have time to respond before he shoved me forwards, jamming me into the railings with such force I folded over the edge, hands flailing for grip. He kept pushing, and I squealed, panicked, head swimming with vertigo. I gripped hold of the bars from the wrong side, head lolling and eyes fixed on the ground such a long way below. My centre of balance was precarious, tiptoes my only contact with solid ground. His warm hand between my thighs made me cry out, his bulk pressing tight against my thighs.
“Heart racing,” he growled. “Brain fucking spinning... hits you in the gut, don’t it? The fear. Knowing you could fall, any fucking second, just one tiny slip.” He pushed me forward further still and my toes lifted, I cried out, petrified, but he pulled me back in, just enough. “Wanna feel alive, Soph? Ain’t nothin’ feels more alive than the fear of death. Nothin’.”
“I’m scared,” I cried. “Don’t let me fall.”
“Ain’t gonna let you fall,” he groaned. “Trust me.”
I tried. I really tried, but my lungs were screaming in my ribs, gulping for air. His fingers found my clit, and found me wanting in spite of my predicament. I moaned and it sounded so weird, so fucking loud in my head.
“Don’t fight,” he growled.
His hands moved to my waist, arms folding around me as he lifted my feet from the floor. The railing cut into my stomach, taking my weight as I teetered on the edge. This was crazy, fucking stupid, but still I spread myself for him, groaning in the back of my throat as he slammed his way inside.
“Yes,” I hissed. “Take me.”
“Ain’t got no rubber, Soph,” he growled. “Fucking sorry ’bout that. Just wanna feel you.”
I didn’t fucking care.
My tits bounced, nipples freezing cold as they bashed into the metalwork. I gripped the side as hard as I could, blood rushing to my head. He fucked me so fucking hard, growling and cursing and slamming his way into me. Adrenaline and endorphins hammered the shit out of me, and I was a hot mess of fear, my pussy on fire as he pounded me from behind. I closed my eyes, the breeze around my ears as my hair flew limp.
“Let go,” he groaned. “Let go of the fucking railings.”
“I can’t,” I choked. “I fucking can’t.”
“Let go,” he barked. “I’m fucking telling you to.”
His voice shocked me into submission. A strange cry came out of my mouth, almost a sob, and I let go, senses reeling in fear. My hands dangled in the air, scrabbling for nothing, until finally I clenched them into fists and let them be. His cock was savage, thrusting so hard it hurt. It took me a few minutes to realise I was crying. Tears streaming from my eyes with only my frantic breath as accompaniment. It was cathartic. It was cleansing. It was really fucking beautiful.
He pulled me back before he came, laying me flat on the cold balcony floor with my legs pinned high. I groaned as he slammed back inside, hands in his hair.
“Come with me,” he hissed. “Wanna see you coming.”
His warmth was a relief, the bulk of his body the anchor I needed to unravel. I let myself go, bucking underneath him to get my fill, groaning like a whore as his hips ground hard against mine, mashing my clit between us.