Page 159 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
He brought her back with him, pushed her into a sitting position between his knees, but she sprung up again, regardless. “You don’t understand. She gets food anxious. That’s what they call it. Used to being hungry so she takes what she can get. She’ll find it, too. Tear your fucking kitchen apart if you don’t watch her.”
“She’ll be fine.” I laughed as she jumped up to shove her nose in my face, her tail wagging so hard it wiggled her whole body with it.
“Won’t be saying that when she’s trashed all your shit.”
“She’ll learn. She’s sharp.”
“Not in one night. She ain’t that quick a learner.”
“Not in one night, no.” I left it at that, unsure of what I even meant by that statement. I changed the subject, subtle as a freight train. “Did you enjoy Explicit?”
His smile rocked my world. “Aye. Liked Raven, Masque too. Sound, they are. Raven said she’d be on down, to East Veil. Check out my art and shit.”
“She’s really good. She knows what she’s talking about.”
“Dunno why she’s so bothered. Ain’t nothing much.”
“I don’t believe that, and neither does she.”
He shrugged, and I felt him prickle, awkward again. “What you got me here for, Soph?”
Nothing like a direct question. “I can enjoy your company, can’t I?”
“You mean sex?”
“No. Although I can enjoy that too, I hope.”
“That shit in the club. I liked it.” He stared at the darkness beyond the balcony windows. “Didn’t know if I would, but I did. I liked it there.”
“I hoped you would.”
“Jesus, Callum, isn’t it obvious?” I stroked Casey’s ears, looking into happy doggy eyes. “You really want me to say this? It’s late, I want bed, I want sex, I want to go to sleep with a sore pussy to go with my sore arse.”
“Just wanna know where we’re at.”
“We’re here. Doesn’t that say enough?”
“Maybe for you.”
I reached over to twist his fingers in mine. “Come to bed with me.”
A gentle squeeze as he downed his drink, then a shrug, conversation over. “Alright, Soph. Whatever you say.”
I’d never been in a bed before, not like that one. Sophie’s bed was fucking massive, a big fucking hulk of a thing, all fucking posh, with white sheets and too many fucking pillows. I felt dirty in it, even though I was clean. Well, clean for me, anyway. I stared up at the ceiling, feeling so fucking naked even under the covers. She’d stripped my clothes off me, all of them. Ditched them at the bottom of the bed and dragged me in with her like I was someone. Like I deserved to be here.
Someone like me don’t deserve this shit. Was born for the streets. Born for cold fucking nights and scrabbling for food. Fighting, and stealing and surviving best I can, not for this. Not for someone like her.
Casey was still whining her head off in the hallway, scratching at the door. I told her to quiet again, settle down like a good girl. She didn’t know what to do, bless her. Not her fault, neither. Still, I couldn’t have her in here, dirty paws all over Soph’s white sheets. Felt bad enough for dirtying them up myself.
Sophie edged closer, snaking a hand across my stomach. I rolled onto my side, awkward, getting as close as possible to the edge. She followed me, stalking me under the duvet like she was on a mission. I felt her breath against my back, her leg wrapped over mine. It felt so fucking nice.
“Comfy?” she asked, in a lazy voice.