Page 146 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
“He’s good. Knows his shit, knows how to control himself.”
“Looks like he’d walk into Hades and not break a sweat.”
“You’ll like him,” she said. “And he’ll be a good person for you to know, quite enlightening.”
“Yeah? How so?”
She nodded, eyes twinkling again. “You’ll see, baby. You’ll see.”
Chapter Nine
“Nice choice. Lad’s definitely got potential.”
My body leapt on instinct, heart rate notching up a gear or twenty. Masque looked more Godlike than ever. His muscles had browned to a sun-kissed bronze, skin so taut he rippled like steel under satin. The dark lines of the beast on his chest called to me, baying for adoration. I wrenched my eyes away before I slavered, looking up instead to the shadowy pools behind his mask. I forced aside the memories of the man’s mouth on mine. On me. All fucking over me. Forced aside the memories of him tearing me apart, of his greedy tongue forcing its way inside, insatiable for the taste of pain.
Masque leaned over the bar to my side, ordering two large reds and a pint of water. I smiled inwardly, knowing exactly how his filthy mind was playing out. He turned to offer, but I pointed to my fresh vodka, smiling thanks. Masque didn’t leave with his drinks, just stared me out, waiting for my response.
“You met Callum, then?”
“Raven seems to have taken a shine to him.”
“Yes, she does.”
“And how about you, Missy? Are you feeling a shine too?”
“I don’t know about that, Masque.” I paused, but he didn’t fill the gap. He rarely does. “It’s very new, we’re very different. And he’s young... and, well, I’m not.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
I felt myself flushing. “That’s usuallymyline withyou, Mr Evasive. How was your holiday?”
“Perfect. Thank you.” His bloody attention burned right through my skin. “The lad has it bad for you.”
“How on earth do you know that? He’s only been on the balcony twenty minutes. Did you put him in chains? Beat him until he confessed?”
“Maybe would have, if I swung that way,” he smiled, a filthy fucking smile. “Would you like that, Missy? Does the idea make you wet?” He laughed gently. “I didn’t need to force a confession, the situation is crystal clear. He’s uncomfortable here, edgy, but still he stays.”
“There’s a reason for that. I’m confident I’m looking right at her.”
“I think he’s more into Raven than me right now.”
“Raven just speaks the same language. He’s here for you, Missy. Mark my words.”
“Don’t I always mark your words, Masque?” My voice was softer than I intended, more playful.Oh God,how I’d served him.I crossed my legs, clenching myself tight to appease my thrumming clit.
“You mark my wordsverywell, Missy. I remember it fondly.” The corner of his mouth twitched deliciously as his dark eyes roved over me, lingering so long at the juncture of my thighs that it fucking burnt. “I hope he gives you what you need. A pretty little cunt like yours deserves a man who knows how to own it. Like I said, there’s potential there. I can see it in him.”
“It’s just sex,” I protested. “Nothing more could ever work.”
“So, he’s just a cock to you?”
My heart thumped at my breast, defying me as I formed my response. “It’s a bit of fun.”