Page 130 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
“Dunno about that.” I smiled a bit. “Be careful, estate manager. Nearly got yourself proper beat up back there.”
“Those men. You gave them money. Why?”
I scowled. “Don’t matter.”
“Are you in trouble?” Her expression was well-meaning, but it pissed me off all the same. I ignored her, staring over her head until she got to her feet. “Fine. Sorry I cared.”
She patted Casey goodbye and took off back the way she came, all haughty with angry little steps. This time it was me who leapt after her and grabbed her by the arm, spinning her so fast she lost her balance and toppled into me, slamming into my chest as Casey danced all around us.
“I ain’t involved with those wankers, don’t want nothing to do with them,” I snapped. “I was helping a mate, that’s all.”
She didn’t move, didn’t pull away. She smelt so good again, so fucking clean. It made me feel like a piece of crap, still in the same tatty clothes from the weekend and well overdue a fucking wash.
“A friend?”
“A mate, yeah.”
“Your girlfriend? Vicki?”
There was colour in her cheeks, same as in that hotel room. “Ain’t got a girlfriend. Vick’s a mate.”
Her eyes were sparkly, big pupils. “Will you come with me again?” she whispered.
“To the hotel... I’ll pay you, just the same as last time.”
My brain said fucking take it, but my heart weren’t so sure. “I dunno.”
“It’ll be just like last time, I promise. I can relax when you’re there...”
“Same guy?”
I pushed her away, keeping hold of her shoulders until she was steady. I wanted to say no, tell her to fuck off and find another chump to sit around and listen to her getting fucked, but I couldn’t do it. Vick needed the cash.
“Saturday. Same place.”
I sighed, admitting defeat. “Aye, alright then.”
She smiled, really fucking happy. It made me feel fucking sick to the stomach.
“I’ll see you there.”
She took off before I could change my mind.
Hot water felt so good on my skin. I soaped myself quick to save Vick’s electric, but held on a minute longer, just to enjoy the heat. She’d raised an eyebrow when she’d put my clothes through the washer, questions heavy in the air. It was all drying now, on the radiator. Still looked shit, but at least I’d be clean. I stepped out, slinging Vicki’s pink towel round my hips and wiping steam from the mirror.
My stubble was more of a beard than a shadow. I rooted through the cabinet until I found a razor, trimmed it back short.
“Ain’t using them clippers are ya? Use them for me pubes,” Vicki barked from the landing.
I opened the door a crack. “Hope I ain’t caught your stinky fucking crabs.”