Page 110 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
“Where did you go?” My heart dropped through my stomach. “Please fucking tell me it wasn’t the Stoney boys?”
She covered her face with her hands. “They were the only ones who’d lend.”
“How much?” I rolled another cigarette, I fucking needed it.
“Seven hundred.”
“Seven hundred?! Are you out of your pissing mind?”
“I was desperate!” she hissed. “I owed Ben Brown nearly five.”
“How much now?”
“Twelve hundred last time I checked. You know what their interest is like. They want three of it by next Monday. I’m scared, Cal. Really scared. You heard what they did to Tina Ryan.”
I pulled her hands away from her face. Tears. I hate tears, they make me feel weird inside.
“If they hurt me who’s going to take care of Slay? Mam can’t have him, not full-time.”
“We’ll sort it.”
“How?” she cried, edging closer. “Not even you can take them on, Callum, they’ll cut you up.”
“We’ll have to find the money.” My foot started to twitch, adrenaline rising. No way I’d do that many small deliveries by next Monday, I hadn’t even hooked back up with the circuit.
“I thought about turning some tricks... I know a couple of guys who’d have me.”
I grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking some sense into her. She didn’t fight me, just juddered in my grip. “Don’t you fucking dare, you stupid cow. Think of Slater.” I looked down at Casey, so quiet at my feet. So much for an easier life. “I’ve gotta go, Vick, get my head together.”
Her hand was on my elbow, pulling me closer. “Sure you won’t stay? I could do with the company.”
I stood in answer, handing her a roll-up.
“Fine,” she smiled, sadly. “I’ll get your stuff.”
I watched Eric Fletcher stomp across the office, knowing by his trajectory he was heading straight for my desk. He scowled over at me, flustered and grubby, cleaning foam splattered over his maintenance overalls.
“One pissing night, that’s all it took.”
“Sorry?” I quizzed, pushing my mobile out of sight.
“Callum bastard Jackson. One night before he sprayed holy shit out the place. Don’t know which fucktard let him out on early release, but I’ve a mind to have a word with them.”
“A shit ton of it. Must have been at it all pissing night.”
“Definitely his?”
He shook his head, as though I was a bloody idiot. “CeeJay, same as always. Bold as pissing brass that one.”
“Where this time?”
“Down by Al’s chip shop and another on one of the skate ramps. Oh, and a big old spectacle down the garage block by tower one of East Veil. Took pictures for the file. See if you can get community support on it, hopefully they’ll lock him back up.”