Page 7 of God of Malice (Legacy of Gods 1)
It’s black-on-black.
A shade of absolute darkness.
Pure sadism shines in his irises as he holds my head hostage, and the worst part is that if he lets go, I’ll surely tumble backward.
A frightening smirk lifts his lips. “Being on your knees is highly recommended indeed. Now, should we begin?”
This can’t be real.
It isn’t.
Shouldn’t be.
And yet, as my eyes clash with the stranger’s muted and absolutely lifeless ones, I’m unsure of whether this is real or if I’m caught in a nightmare.
Probably the latter.
It’s not even about his savage hold on my hair, which I’m sure if I attempt to fight, he might tear from my skull—or worse, use to yank me over the cliff like he’s been threatening ever since I met him.
In hindsight, I should’ve been ready for something like this, considering my family.
I’ve always thought I had unusual family and friends. Heck, Grandpa is a ruthless sociopath. So is my uncle. My brother is even worse.
But maybe since I’ve known them all my life, I’ve normalized their behavior. I’ve accepted it as if it were a given. Because they’re functioning members of society, and I’ve never been their target.
I was blindsided and thought I could handle people like them if I met them in real life.
But then again, nothing could’ve prepared me for being in this position with someone I’ve just met.
The sound of crashing waves comes in sync with my chaotic thoughts. The cold air seeps through my jacket to underneath my top, chilling the sweat clinging to my skin. I’ve been on fire ever since the rush of life flowed into my veins earlier so the sensation is welcome.
Despite my instinct that keeps screaming at me to run away, I’m well aware that any sudden movement will probably get me killed.
So I swallow the saliva that’s gathered in my mouth and respond to his last statement, “Begin what?”
“Payment for saving you.”
“You didn’t.” I throw a trembling hand around. “I’m still on the edge.”
“And you’ll remain that way until you give me what you promised.”
“I didn’t promise you anything.”
His head cocks to the side and so does the camera, following the axis of his body with haunting, methodical motion. “Oh, but you did. And I repeat,whatever you want, remember?”
“Those were words I said in the heat of the moment. They don’t count.”
“They do to me. So either give me what I want or…” he trails off, craning his neck toward whatever’s behind me. He doesn’t need to voice it. I can tell where he’s aiming.
It’s an intimidation factor.
A looming threat.
And he knows damn well that it’s working.