Page 215 of God of Malice (Legacy of Gods 1)
Then she disappears with my junk food, leaving me alone with Grandpa.
“Now, tell me who made my princess cry so that I can castrate him.”
I wipe at my tears. “I wasn’t crying. Something just got in my eyes.”
“Uh-huh, the last time something got in your eyes, that boyfriend of yours died and we nearly lost you, in retrospect.”
“Devlin was not my boyfriend.”
“You went through all of that for a non-boyfriend?”
“He was a friend, Grandpa.”
“Friendship goes both ways. If he was only using your support and good heart, he wasn’t your friend, he was a parasite.”
“And how would you know? You only have Uncle Ethan as a friend.”
“His husband, Agnus, too.”
“He hates you.”
Grandpa grins. “So what? I love riling him up, so that makes him my friend. Don’t tell this to anyone, but it’s the highlight of my week to make that man jealous.”
I smile, loving how carefree he becomes when talking about his friends, business partners, and in-laws.
Thoughfriendsis a strong word.
They mostly bicker.
“You can be so evil, Grandpa.”
“Can be? I invented evil, princess.” He pats my cheek. “Now, talk to me.”
I rub my hand on my shorts, then pause, recalling that I’m trying to get rid of the nasty habit. “I’m just…lost, I guess. Have you ever trusted someone and they murdered that trust?”
“Not really, but I might have to check the morgue for any traitors I may have forgotten existed.”
I snort. “Well, I did. And I know I should be angry, and I am, but I’m more heartbroken. I’m more…madabout being blindsided. See, I knew he wasn’t normal from the beginning, and Lan even gave me a way out, but I didn’t take it. I was headstrong and high on dopamine and the power of having my own choice, but it eventually hurt me, Grandpa. I eventually found out that Lan was right and he’salwaysright.” My voice chokes. “And now, I’m so broken that I don’t know which pieces to pick up. That is, if there are any pieces left.”
“Come here.” He gathers me in his arms, and this time, I let the tears cascade down my cheeks.
“It hurts, Grandpa.”
“Being stabbed in the back does that.” He strokes my hair. “But remember, Glyndon, they’re not the only ones who can do the stabbing.”
I pull back, sniffling. “W-what do you mean?”
“You’re a King. We don’t stay down to take the jab. We hit right back.”
“I can’t. He’s…much stronger.”
“No one is stronger than a King.” He fishes out his phone and enters a number, then puts it on speaker.
My eyes widen when I seeLevion the screen.
“Why are you calling my dad?” I whisper-yell.
Grandpa puts a finger to his lips as my father picks up, sounding groggy. “Uncle? Why are you calling this late? Are you dead?”