Page 148 of God of Malice (Legacy of Gods 1)
I know I’m one of the few people she smiles at.
Her steps come to a halt when she sees what Landon has done to my car and stares at him with a furrowed brow, then at the key in his hand, then at the map of horror on the red paint.
Be ready for your ride to be thrown off a ditch, motherfucker.
She puts the strap of the food container over her shoulder, letting it hang on her side, and signs, “Why did this fucking tool ruin your car and why is he still breathing?”
I smirk.Good question, cousin.
The answer is something I don’t even want to admit to myself, though.
I’d probably be blacklisted from Glyn’s life if I hurt her brother—even if he is a slimy motherfucker. But that doesn’t mean I won’t make this asshole’s life miserable.
“And now, we have a mute in our ranks.” Landon smiles, knowing full well that this changes the balance of power from earlier. “Brilliant.”
“Lan, stop it,” Bran warns.
“Call her a mute again and I’ll skin you alive,” I say with enough menace to make my vision go red.
Mia is the only person on earth who’s told me, or more like signed to me, that “It’s okay to be different, Kill. I still love you.”
And I would murder for her. No questions asked.
“What’s wrong with calling a mute a mute?” Landon continues smiling, having already forgotten about scratching my paint. “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”
“Tell him I don’t mind one bit and I’m also sure he wouldn’t mind this,” Mia signs to me, then flips him both her middle fingers while smiling sweetly.
He narrows his eyes, his humor vanishing. Brandon smiles and turns to me, “Please apologize to her on my brother’s behalf.”
“She can hear you,” I say. “She just doesn’t speak.”
She signs to me and I tell Brandon, “She said not to apologize on behalf of, and I quote, ‘a motherfucking tool, who’s polluting the air with his breath,’ because you’re not responsible for his actions.”
“You’re right.” He offers her his hand. “I’m Brandon.”
She shakes it and looks at me.
“Mia,” I say. “My cousin.”
They smile at each other, already seeming to get along. I haven’t thought about this before, but it’s another opportunity to get Brandon on my side regarding his sister.
I owe you one, Mia.
Note to self, buy her more ribbons.
“How do you curse in sign language?” Landon asks, probably to be a dick, because he can’t handle how everyone in this scene is now against him.
She flips him off again while smiling.
“Like that,” I supply for her, and Brandon does a failure of a job in hiding his smile.
“Let’s go eat,” she signs, completely ignoring him. “I made you pancakes. I tried finding Nikolai, but that dork is MIA. And Maya was like ‘Bitch, get out before I stab you.’ In fucking capital letters. That shit becomes mental when her sleeping time is interrupted, and I’m looking for therapy for her issues. It happens on Tuesdays if you’re interested in joining. Oh, and Gareth isn’t answering my texts, and I’m so gonna tell Aunt Reina he’s ghosting me.”
“So I’m your last choice?” I raise a brow.
She laughs like a little hellion, then hits my shoulder and signs, “You know you’re my favorite.”