Page 22 of Only Us (Only One 2)
“You know I wouldn't miss this party for the world. Free food.” Ruby smirks.
Belinda comes over and wraps her arms around Ruby and greets Stephanie.
“I didn't know you were coming,” Belinda admits. “You never RSVP’d.”
“Sorry, my bad. I wouldn’t miss Jerry retiring for anything!” Ruby says. “Where is the man of the hour anyway?”
“Let’s go find him,” Belinda says, pulling Ruby and Stephanie away.
We go to one of the round tables where Owen sits and gobbles up his food. Tyler chats with him about basketball and when they can play together again. As I look around the room, I see a few ladies who work with me at the bank and a couple of cashiers from the grocery store. Even the city mayor is here, but thankfully, I don’t see Noah yet.
As I pass the buffet on my way to the restroom, my palms become sweaty. Just as I make my way to the hallway, he walks through the door. It’s as if everything around me freezes as our eyes meet, and my heart races as he studies me. I snap my gaze away, keep my head up, and walk into the ladies’ room. I lean against the door and suck in a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.
At one time in my life, Noah was my everything. He ripped that away when he decided he didn't want to see or talk to me anymore. I was lonely as hell and needed him the most. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to forgive him for how he treated me—like tossed-out trash on the curb.
I give myself a pep talk, then walk back out to the party. I try to find my courage with each step I take, knowing it's inevitable that he'll try to speak to me again. The last thing I want to do is embarrass him at his father's retirement party, but if he knows what’s good for him, he’ll keep his distance.
As I’m closer to the table, I notice Noah’s chatting with Ruby. I sit beside Owen as he finishes his food. I ignore everything else around me as Gemma explains to Noah our friendship with Ruby and how we all became close.
“But then I found another job out of town and ruined it all,” Ruby adds with a laugh.
“I offered you one at my new gym, but you refused,” Tyler chastises with a raised eyebrow, then glances at Stephanie with a grin.
“She’s mine now,” Stephanie says. “And I’m noteverletting her go.”
Ruby smirks and looks at Stephanie like she’s her whole world. “They’re just being dramatic,” she tells Noah. “We’re only thirty minutes away.”
“That’s too far,” Gemma whines, sticking out her bottom lip.
Noah listens to them go back and forth, then glances over at me as if he wants to say something. If he tries anything, it’ll take every bit of strength I have not to tell him off. Once I furrow my brows at him, he breaks eye contact with me and interrupts their conversation.
“Well, it was really nice meeting you two.”
Heat hits my cheeks as he glances at me one last time, then thankfully excuses himself. I let out a relieved breath.
“You alright?” Gemma asks as if she can read my mind.
“Perfect,” I say, then turn to Owen. “Did you get enough to eat?”
“Can I get more punch?” He grins.
“Sure. I’ll get you some,” I say, grabbing his cup and going to the line. I decide to get myself some food too while I’m here. As I’m scanning the goodies, I glance over my shoulder and see a blonde walk up to Noah. She’s overly nice and so loud I can hear her laughter echo off the walls. As I’m pouring a cup of punch, I watch them, then finally recognize her from Owen’s school drop-off. That’s when I notice her son is standing next to her.
She reaches over and touches Noah’s arm, then flips her long hair as she giggles like a lovestruck teenager. Jealousy immediately courses through me at how close she's standing to him. It's obvious she finds Noah attractive by the way she keeps gazing up and down his body as if she’s memorizing every inch of him.
She leans closer, flirting with Noah even though a room full of people are watching. The thought infuriates me as I fill another cup of punch for myself. I get Owen’s attention and wave him over to help because there's no way I’ll be able to carry all of this without spilling it.
When he’s close, I bend down and keep my voice low. “Doesn’t that kid go to your school?” I ask him.
“Yep. That's Anthony. He moved here a couple of months ago and is in my class.”
“I thought so,” I say with a smile.
“Can I go say hi?”
“Sure,” I say. He takes his punch from me, then crosses the room.
As soon as I'm back at the table, Gemma moves her chair closer to mine.