Page 161 of Only Us (Only One 2)
When I meet up with them, I wrap my arm around Katie and Owen skips ahead of us. Though it’s a pumpkin patch, booths are set up with crafts, food, and even games. Not much has changed in the past fifteen years, and I feel nostalgic as we enter.
“Mom! Look!” Owen says, pointing at a giant bubbly orange drink. It makes me chuckle.
“Do you want one?” I ask, and his facial expression gives him away.
Katie chuckles. “Oh lord. We’re gonna have a sugared-up kid tonight!”
I step forward and order each of us one. Apparently, it’s a pumpkin fizzy drink poured over a scoop of ice cream, and it tastes good. Even Katie’s eyes light up when she takes a sip. “Make thatthreesugared-up kids.”
She grabs my hand and places it on her belly, and I feel them kicking.
I chuckle. “Active little things, aren’t they?”
“They’re ready to come out!” Katie exclaims.
“Soon, baby,” I tell her, leaning over and pressing a kiss on her forehead.
After we’re done, the three of us take a stroll down one section with nothing but Fall Y’all and Halloween décor. “Oooh. I love this wreath.” Katie stops and admires the straw and ribbon attached to the giant thing.
“Get it! You’ve got a nice big door to hang it on. Would look great on the house,” I encourage.
“I’ll mark it down to $75,” the woman sweetly offers. “When’re ya due?”
“I’m due in December, but I’m thinking they’ll come next month.” Katie beams.
“Oh honey, that’ll be here in a blink. Summer’s over, so the hard part is done,” she says.
“Can I keep it here and pick it up before we leave?” Katie asks, and the woman agrees with a nod. With a swipe of our card, the wreath is purchased and set aside.
We continue walking, and I’m trying not to focus on my plans for later today.
“I think I want one of everything here,” Katie admits, just as Anthony sprints over and nearly tackles Owen in a hug.
“Katie!” Anthony says. He tries to wrap his arms around her but settles for an awkward side squeeze due to Katie’s belly.
Soon, Loretta and Elliot come into view wearing smiles while eating dipped ice cream cones. “Hey, kids,” Elliot says. When he leans in and hugs me, he whispers in my ear, “Everyone’s in place.”
I step back and give him a nod. Loretta’s eyes twinkle when she looks back and forth between us. “Anthony’s been loving this so much. Thanks again for inviting us.”
Katie grins from ear to ear, watching the two boys together.
“He’s had ice cream and a Coke. Probably gonna bounce off the walls later,” Loretta tells Katie.
“Two peas in a pod,” Katie says in return. “Isn’t this amazing?”
Loretta nods. “Yeah, the weather is more than perfect. You want me to watch the boys so you two can take your time walking around?”
I glance at Katie and nod, and she agrees. “Sure, that’d be great.”
Before we leave them, Katie explains to Owen that he can stay with Anthony and to be good for Memaw and Pawpaw. She fixes his wild mess of hair and gives Loretta and Elliot a wave before we head across the way.
We wait in line for the hayride, and when it pulls up and slows down in front of us, the workers grab a step for Katie to use. After we’re settled, we sit close, and I wrap my arm around her. I lean in and place a soft kiss on her lips as the tractor pulls us around the pumpkin patch. The sweet smells of caramel and cotton candy drift through the air and mix with the earthy scent of freshly baled hay.
“This has been so much fun,” Katie says.
“And just think, the day is just getting started.” I give her a wink. “Remember when we came here as teenagers?”
She sweetly nods. “I do. I remember actually finding the courage to hold your hand on this very ride.”