Page 157 of Only Us (Only One 2)
“Thought we’d come and help you get things organized,” my mom says.
“Y’all are saints. Thank you again.”
“Where’re the boys?” Loretta asks.
“I think they’re in Owen’s room putting his clothes and stuff away,” I respond.
“Where do you want us to start?” my mom asks.
“How about the kitchen? Then the bathrooms? Then maybe my room and the nursery?”
“We’re on it, sweetie. You just eat and rest.” My mom pats my head as I mumble another thank you around a mouthful of food.
After another hour goes by, Everleigh pops in. “We need to plan a house party!”
“Well, since you mention it, we’re having Owen’s eleventh birthday party in two weeks. Think you can get off work?”
“I’m the boss, remember?” She grins. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
I smile. “Great! No inappropriate gifts this time, okay?”
“What do you mean? He loved his back massager for Christmas!”
Closing my eyes with a sharp inhale, I remind myself not to get worked up because my blood pressure is already high. “That wasn’t a back massager, Everleigh!” I grit between my teeth.
“Well, he doesn’t know that…” She waves me off.
“You just wait till you have kids. I’m gifting them condoms, lube, and a subscription to PornHub.”
Everleigh rolls her eyes. “Please, that sounds like the perfect gift.”
“It won’t be for you.”
She scoffs.
“Mom, come look at my room!”
“Okay, hold on. Might take me a minute to get off this couch.” The sectional I’ve always dreamed about is so damn comfortable that I sink into it. With the extra forty pounds added to my body, I can hardly roll off.
“C’mon, Mama. Let me help you,” Everleigh says, pulling me up.
“Thanks. I would’ve been stuck there till I gave birth.” I laugh.
After Owen gives me the grand tour, I check on my mom, Loretta, and Belinda. My emotions bubble over at how sweet they are for helping me, and soon, I’m full-on crying.
“I think someone needs a nap,” Everleigh says.
“Sweetie, go get some rest. We’ve got this,” my mom says.
I glare at Everleigh, who pokes fun every time I overreact. “You just wait. I’m praying you get knocked up with triplets.”
“Don’t you dare wish that for me! I can hardly take care of myself and my dog.”
“Adding back massager toyourbirthday list this year. It’s time you learn how to properly take care of yourself…” I waggle my brows as she gives me a death stare.
“Ha…oh, I can take care of myself like that just fine. But I might not need to anymore with Archer coming soon.” She crosses her arms over her chest, and I swear Tyler is somewhere cursing her name.
“Who’s Archer?” Loretta and my mom ask simultaneously.