Page 154 of Only Us (Only One 2)
“AndStar Warsstuff!” Owen adds.
“Of course. Darth and Vader need it,” I tease, and Owen giggles.
I check my phone for the first time in hours and see a dozen text messages from Katie.
Katie: Everleigh is here.
Katie: She’s making us watchBad Moms.
Katie: Now she’s rapping to Cardi B. Please help me…
Katie: Noah! Stop ignoring me.
Katie: Everleigh just told me double-dick penetration is her favorite position, and I’ve never wanted to bleach my brain more than I do right now.
Katie: You better not be dead.
Katie: OMG…Everleigh just shoved half a pizza in her mouth, and the smell is making me nauseous.
Katie: S.O.S.
Katie: You owe me the BEST foot massage of my life, you hear me?
Katie: And a back rub.
Katie: Plus an orgasm.
Katie: I’m hungry.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cringe at the images she put in my mind. Instead of replying, I call her.
“It’s about goddamn time,” she snaps with a huff.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Owen and I were busy, and I forgot I put my phone on silent. It’ll never happen again,” I assure her. “Is Everleigh still there?”
“Back that ass up, b-b-back it up.” I hear Everleigh chanting in the background.
“Guess so.”
“I swear, she’s freaking high or something,” Katie whispers.
“High on life, baby!” Everleigh says. “Just tryin’ to entertain my bestie.”
“Please tell me you’re on your way home?” Katie groans. “Preferably with food.”
“Yes, we’re just cleaning up, and I’ll grab something or stop at the store. What’re you hungry for?”
“Well,notpizza…” she exaggerates. “Cheesecake and seafood gumbo.”
I nearly gag at the combination. “Alright, I swing by the deli and see what Belinda has.”
“And the bakery,” she tells me.
“Sure, got it,” I say, holding back a laugh. “Be home soon. Love you.”
“Love you, too. Please hurry…” she deadpans.
The call ends, and I tell Owen our plans. He jumps into the truck, and when we arrive at the deli, I order the gumbo and a couple of different sandwiches to be on the safe side. Katie’s infamous for changing her mind at the last minute.