Page 146 of Only Us (Only One 2)
It’s beena couple of weeks since Noah surprised me with the nursery and new furniture. I’m eager to finish decorating it, but today is finally Gemma’s baby shower, and I couldn’t be more excited to see everyone. Yesterday, Everleigh, Belinda, and I decorated the event room we rented. We hung streamers and balloons, and set up all the tables to make sure everything would be perfect for today.
Since Loretta and my mom will also be there, Owen’s staying with Elliot and Anthony for the afternoon while Noah works on the house for a few hours.
“Hey, we’re leaving soon. Got all the stuff you wanna bring?” I poke my head into Owen’s room and scowl at the dirty clothes on the floor. “It’s amazing how you manage to get your shirts right next to the hamper…” I walk in and struggle to pick them up. At over five months pregnant, bending down is a daunting task I’m sure will only become impossible in the next coming months.
“Sorry…” He gives me his cute puppy eyes. “Yeah, I’m ready. But—”
“What?” I ask, turning to face him once I’ve picked up his floor.
He lowers his eyes and shakes his head. “Never mind.”
I sit down on his bed next to him. “What is it, sweetie?”
Shrugging, he stays silent, but I can tell something is bothering him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I overheard Mimi talkin’ to Pawpaw the other day, and he said something about Daddy and Anthony.” His voice lowers when he mentions his father.
“Okay…” I linger, prepared for what he’s going to say. “What’d you hear?”
Owen swallows hard and blinks before meeting my gaze. I try to stay calm so he doesn’t see the nervousness written all over my face.
“That my dad was also Anthony’s dad,” he blurts out. “Mimi said something about how Anthony’s mom told him.”
I stare at him, waiting.
“Is it true, Mom?”
I flash a small smile, taking his little hand in mine. “Yes, sweetie. You and Anthony share the same father.”
He’s silent for a moment and furrows his brows as he tries to figure out how that can be.
“But we have different moms?”
“Correct. So you’re half brothers,” I explain.
“How come we don’t have the same last names then?” he ponders.
“Well, that’s because Anthony’s mom decided to give him her last name, and we gave you Daddy’s. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t related. It just means you have different last names.”
“Was Daddy married to Anthony’s mom too?”
Oof.I contemplate how to answer without making Gabe sound like the piece of shit he was for cheating on me.
“No, honey. He was only married to me. He and Anthony’s mom got together before I was pregnant with you,” I say, hating that I’m not telling him the whole truth, but he’s too young to understand an affair or cheating. Even though Gabe doesn’t deserve my kindness, I don’t want to taint Owen’s thoughts about him. Someday, he’ll realize it, but he doesn’t need to know now.
“Oh okay,” he says. “So we share the same dad but not the same mom.”
“Correct.” I smile.
“Does that mean Anthony has to come live here with us since his mom is gone?”
“No, he’ll live with Mimi and Pawpaw.”