Page 119 of Only Us (Only One 2)
“This is amazing,” Katie leans into me and says. She’s seen the progression of what we’ve done, but now, all the finishing touches have been added.
“I’m actually impressed by how well it turned out, though I had no doubt it would be anything other than great,” I admit. One of Gemma’s new employees is whipping up samples from the juice bar and passing them out to people. Katie and I stop and try a few flavors.
“Well, hello to you,” I hear a woman say from behind.
Immediately, Katie’s face splits in half. “Ruby! Stephanie! Y’all came!”
“Wouldn’t miss it. Actually, I think Tyler would’ve divorced me as a friend if I didn’t show up,” Ruby admits and pulls Stephanie close.
“You’re damn right,” Tyler says from behind.
“Told ya,” Ruby says with a wink. “How’ve you been, Noah?”
“Great,” I admit, and she smiles wide when she notices my fingers are interlocked with Katie’s.
Moments later, Everleigh meets up with us, and Gemma comes over too. Soon, we’re all trying to talk over each other, laughing and cutting up. When I glance at Katie, she takes the opportunity to pull me to the side.
“I think the juice bar got to me. My stomach is kinda messed up and gurgling. I’m gonna run to the car and get some Pepto,” she says.
“Okay, I’ll come with you,” I tell her.
She shakes her head and looks around at everyone. “No, no. It’s fine. I’m only parked a few blocks away by the deli, and plenty of people are around. I’ll be right back. Have fun. Enjoy yourself,” she says, then walks away before I can protest.
“The juice bar is fucking fantastic,” Ruby says, grabbing my attention when she rubs her hand across the countertop.
“Right? Noah did all the cabinetry work.” Tyler eagerly gives me credit, showing her the other side with all the storage space.
I smile. “I actually really enjoy building things, so I had a good time. The top is a live oak edge. Smith did that part,” I admit.
“The workmanship is incredible. You should start a business,” she suggests.
A small chuckle escapes me. “That’s what they all say.”
“I’d hire you,” Ruby admits.
“Yeah, and I would too,” Everleigh tells me. “I’ve been wanting to redo some cabinets in my kitchen foryears. I’m imagining it now.”
“He’s expensive,” Tyler says. “And you’re too cheap.”
Our group of friends bursts into laughter.
“I amnotcheap. I’m just smart with my money. Well, unless it comes to shoes, purses, and wine, then all bets are off.”
“Nice save,” Gemma tells her before she’s pulled away by someone asking about memberships. Tyler excuses himself too, and I check the time on my phone. It’s been at least fifteen minutes since Katie left, and I begin to grow concerned. I tell everyone I’ll catch up with them later and walk outside to call her. It rings and then goes straight to voicemail, so I try again. Immediately, I walk through the crowd and start searching for her. When I pass Mrs. and Mr. Walker painting ceramic jars with Owen, I ask if they’ve seen Katie. They shake their heads, and I force a smile though I’m internally freaking out.
After her phone goes to voicemail another five times, I start to lose it, and Eric rushes toward me, noticing there’s an issue. “What’s wrong?” he asks.
“I can’t find Katie. She’s not answering her phone. She was going to her car to grab some medicine, but she’s been gone for at least twenty minutes now.”
Eric’s calm as we walk toward the deli where Katie said she parked. The entire time, I keep calling her phone, not giving up hope. I keep telling myself that maybe it died or something else happened, but I also can’t stop from thinking the worst. Eric abruptly stops, and when I see Katie’s car, anger floods me. All four of her tires have been slashed, and immediately, I know something terribly wrong has happened. She’s nowhere to be found.
“There are cameras,” Eric says, pointing up at them. “We might have some hard evidence if there’s foul play.”
“Fuck,” I whisper-hiss, calling Katie again.
“She might be back at the gym. We should look around one last time to make sure,” Eric suggests, and I agree but also don’t want to waste any time.
As soon as we return, I spot Gemma and Everleigh eating snow cones. I rush over to them. “Have you seen Katie?”