Page 105 of Only Us (Only One 2)
“I’ve never heard her so angry, and I’ve known her for over twenty years,” she says with a sigh.
“What was she saying?” Dad asks.
“She yelled about the money she had given Brittany and asked why she was still in town.”
My adrenaline spikes, and I try to recall what Loretta told Katie. I knew it wasn’t being hidden from Elliot because of his gambling issue. She flat out lied to Katie, which angers me. Thankfully, there’s a long pause before Belinda speaks up again because it gives me time to process this revelation.
“And then Loretta mentioned Gabe and said she knew her son better than Brittany ever did, and that they weren’t even together that long. Then Brittany said something in return, but I couldn’t quite make out all of her words. Something about her son, Anthony.”
Another long pause. My mind reels as I try to figure out what the hell is really going on.
“Brittany knew Gabe?” Dad asks.
“Apparently so. Loretta asked her again why she was still in Lawton Ridge. Brittany mentioned Noah and said there was a change of plans. After that, I walked out of my office into the dining area, and they got eerily quiet. Brittany’s face was beet red, and Loretta’s eyes were nearly bugging out of her head. I tried to defuse the situation and asked Loretta if she’d be ordering anything before we closed down the kitchen. Instead, she glared at Brittany like she was ready to strangle her, then got up and left.”
“This is odd,” Dad says. “Do you think–”
“Loretta and Brittany are responsible for Noah’s accident?” she asks. “I don’t have a doubt in my mind.”
“Did Brittany say anything to you once Loretta left?” Dad asks exactly what I want to know.
“No. She didn’t even try to explain herself, but there was something dangerous behind her forced smile. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I don’t trust her.”
“Best to keep an eye on her then,” Dad suggests.
“I’m not letting her out of my sight,” Belinda snaps.
I wakeup with a permanent smile on my face. Being with Noah has been a dream come true, and I love how caring and compassionate he is when it comes to Owen. Last night was incredible, and for the first time in a long-ass time, I feel complete. My son has a man in his life that he genuinely looks up to, and Noah’s more than willing to be a father figure to him. Seeing how they interact with each other makes my heart swell because I can see the special bond they share. It’s almost like this is how it was meant to be—Owen, Noah, and me.My family.
Though we’re taking it slow, I can’t help but imagine our future together.
After Owen and I finish eating breakfast, he brushes his teeth, then grabs his backpack, and I take him to school. Once I’m at work taking my first sip of coffee, my phone buzzes.
Noah: Hey, baby. Good morning.
Katie: Morning! Sleep okay? ;)
Noah: Actually no.
My face contorts as I read his message because I wasn’t expecting that response. Moments later, he calls me.
“Hey,” I answer. “Everything okay?”
“I don’t know…” He hesitates. “Last night after I got home, I overheard Belinda talking to my dad. I’ve tried to ignore it, but some of the things she said…Katie, they’re working together,” he abruptly says.
“What? Who?”
“Loretta and Brittany. I want to tell you everything, but I’ll wait until later tonight when we’re alone,” he says with a lowered voice. “I don’t want anyone to overhear at the gym.”
“That’s fine. Not a problem,” I tell him.
“We can chat after dinner tonight. My treat,” he says, and I know he’s smiling by his tone.
“Owen would love that,” I admit, just as Missy enters and says my first appointment of the day is in the waiting room. I wave to her to bring them in.