Page 103 of Only Us (Only One 2)
Noah: Deal. It’s a date!
After I’m given my food and pay, I walk back to the gym. I quickly eat, then spend the rest of the afternoon bolting things together. By the time my shift ends, my muscles are sore, but it feels good. Dad picks me up on time, and I ask him to take me by the bakery and the grocery store on the way home. I run in and grab a half-gallon of vanilla Blue Bell ice cream, then we go to the bakery.
It’s almost closing time, but Jackie still greets me with a smile.
“What’s the special occasion?” Dad asks when I return with a big ass chocolate cake.
“Owen invited me over for dinner,” I proudly tell him as we make our way home.
“You can use the truck tonight. Belinda’s gonna come over when her shift ends, so I don’t need it.”
I thank him, and soon, we’re pulling into the driveway. I put the ice cream in the freezer, then jump in the shower to wash off the day. Once Katie texts me that she’s picked up Owen, I get dressed and make my way over.
“Noah!” Owen’s face lights up the moment he sees me.
“Hey! How’s it goin’?” I ask, and he fills me in on his schoolwork, basketball, and how he wants a dog as Katie cooks.
“A dog?” I ask, and Katie shakes her head.
“We’re not getting a dog yet. Maybe when we move into the house.”
Owen pouts. “That’s never going to happen.”
Katie nearly pins him to his chair with her glare. “Itwillhappen.”
“Bud, it’s gonna happen,” I assure with a grin. “Maybe by the end of the year,” I tell him.
Katie’s mouth curves up into a smile. “That would be a miracle.”
“It could happen,” I say, wanting to wrap my arms around her waist and kiss the softness of her neck as she stirs the noodles.
Owen grabs my attention. “Mom said we could watchAvengersafter dinner!”
“I know! I’m excited to see it with you and even brought cake and ice cream,” I say, setting everything on the counter.
Soon Katie’s piling plates full of spaghetti and passes around garlic bread that’s fresh out of the oven. My stomach growls and I nearly inhale it as we chat about the chaotic day we’ve had.
“So work went okay?” Katie asks.
“Yeah, it was great. My muscles ache from lifting all the weights, but I’m happy to be back. We have four weeks until the grand opening. It's gonna fly by.”
“Yeah, it will,” she tells me. “I’m sure they’re glad to have you back.”
“Oh yeah, Tyler was thrilled with how much I was able to do.”
“That’s amazing,” she says just as we finish eating. Once the three of us are done, I grab our plates and rinse them off.
“Do y’all want dessert now or after we start the movie?” Katie asks Owen, then glances at me.
“Now!” Owen exclaims, and I laugh.
“He’s the boss,” I say as she passes me and slides her hand across my lower back. As she stands next to me, my body instantly aches for her.
“Please cut mine small. Might have to roll me outta here after that amazing meal,” I admit.
“I’m feeling the same way,” she tells me with a laugh. Katie serves the ice cream and cake, and we make our way to the living room. As we start the movie, Owen sits on one side of me and Katie’s on the other. At this moment, with them both so close, I feel a deep sense of family. I love them so much that I can barely contain it, and I already know I want to spend forever with them. As I think about our future, I wrap my arm around Katie, brushing my fingertips along her skin. She leans into me, and I hold her close.
When the credits roll, Owen yawns, and Katie tells him it’s time for bed. He doesn’t argue, but he gives me a tight hug before he goes to his room.