Page 82 of Captured By A Sinner (Sinners 5)
Slipping my arms beneath her knees and behind her back, I pick her up bridal style and carry her out of the fucking church to the SUV.
The skirt of the dress is all over the place, but I bundle her into the backseat and slide in beside her.
Luca climbs in behind the steering wheel while Nikolas takes the passenger side. Gabriel and Liam get into the other SUV, and when everyone is ready, we leave the church behind.
“You know that’s not the end of it, right?” Luca mutters.
“It can wait,” I grumble as I wrap my arms around Rosalie. The second I pull her against me, she lets out a whimper and flinches.
I pause, moving my hands to her shoulders. “Where do you hurt?”
It’s only then I notice she’s cradling her right arm.
“I think I sprained it when I climbed out of the window,” she explains.
Chuckling, I shake my head. “You and windows.”
She tries to smile but stops because of her split lip. Lifting my hand, I try to wipe some of the blood from her chin.
My eyes burn on every bruise, and it makes me wish I could kill Greco all over again.
“Jesus,moyaMalen'kaya Roza.”
“I’m okay,” she whispers, gingerly leaning her swollen jaw against my palm. “How did you find out?”
“Luca’s father told us your family was banned from New York. Had I known, I never would’ve let you go.”
Her chin starts to tremble. “They said my family dealt in sex trafficking.” Her voice grows hoarse, her eyes pleading with mine. “Is it true?”
Fuck. I wanted to spare her the pain, but I can’t lie to her.
When I nod, her face distorts with heartache. I gently pull her to my chest and press kisses to her hair. “I’m sorry you had to find out.”
“Your apartment or the airfield?” Luca asks.
“The apartment. I want her out of this fucking dress,” I mutter.
“She’ll need clothes,” Nikolas mentions.
Rosalie pulls a little back. “I had to leave most at the studio apartment I rented. I don’t know what Mr. Parisi did with my luggage and handbag. All my documents are with him.”
“We’ll get everything,” I assure her. Then I catch Luca’s eyes in the rearview mirror.
“I’ll make the call,” he says.
“Thank you,” Rosalie whispers, looking exhausted.
“When did they take you?” I ask.
“Four days ago. They were going to kill me until Greco said he’d pay my family’s debt in exchange that I married him.” She looks up at me, pleading with me to believe her. “I never said yes, Viktor. I promise. I fought as hard as I could.”
Lifting a hand to her head, I brush her hair back. “I know,moyaMalen'kaya Roza.”
A tear spirals down her face. “I was so scared.”
There’s a fresh burst of anger in my chest. I clench my jaw as I press a kiss to her forehead. “I promised you I’d kill any man I catch you with.”
I feel her lips brush against my neck as she says, “I’m so glad you made that promise.”