Page 17 of Stolen Desire
He lifted me like I weighed nothing, his movements sure and precise. I could feel the movement of his thighs as he held me close to his chest. I even knew when we made it outside by the sound of the door closing behind him though I couldn’t see anything.
He placed me on something soft, and then I heard another door close and a few seconds later another, and then we were moving. There was some kind of airwave in at both ends of the bag; it seemed like because I could breathe, but that didn’t stop the panic from setting in.
Just as I was starting to panic, we stopped. I was lifted once again, and he walked a few yards and laid me down on something soft again. I heard running feet as he moved away, and then he made a few trips before I heard a door slam shut again.
He opened the bag and helped me sit up to take it off, tearing the tape off and releasing my hands, only to tie them to both sides of the small cot-like bed I was on and out came the goggles. “No, I don’t…” I looked up at him, but that mask was back in place.
I only knew it was him because of his scent and well, his height. Plus, the fact that it would defy all reason for me to be taken by someone else after everything I’d already been through.
I did have a chance in those few moments before he put he goggles in me to look around, but that too was fruitless as there was nothing but darkness surrounding us. It had to be about two in the morning, after all.
Once again, he made sure I was comfortable. “You should get some sleep sweet baby; it’ll take us a few hours to get where we’re going.”
“And where is that?” Instead of an answer, I felt his huge hand cup my cheek and then a soft kiss to my lips before he moved away again.
It was the sudden dip in pressure that alerted me to the fact that I was on an airplane. My heart beat like a drum in my chest as I thought of what was going to happen to me once we landed. Was I never going to see my family again, will anyone look for me?
I had a million questions and fears, but I kept telling myself, if he wanted to kill me, he would’ve already. It’s the only thing that stopped me from throwing up. Believe it or not, I felt my eyes drooping while I struggled to stay awake. Who falls asleep while they’re being abducted?
But the lull of the plane’s engine and just being plain tired broke me, and I gave in to slumber. My last thought was of my easy acceptance of him whoever he is, and why, since that first night, I’ve never been truly afraid of him. Weird.
Chapter 15
She’s asleep! I could see her through the monitor I had set up in the back of my chopper to keep an eye on her. I didn’t breathe easy until I was ten thousand feet in the air and punching it. Though I was sure I’d covered all the bases and no one had seen me leave with her, there was still, for me anyway, that fear of her being taken from me again.
The sun was on the horizon when I finally flew over my spread and came in for landing on the strip behind the home I’d built her. Now I had a new fear. Her reaction to me, and being here. It had been years since we had any contact, something I’d done to preserve her innocence, now I’m second-guessing that decision.
It’s amazing how she could still tie me up in knots after all this time. Instead of waning with time, my feelings for her have only grown with time to the point where I’m consumed by her. It feels as if I’ve been holding my breath and going through the motions all these years, just waiting for the day I could rightfully claim her.
Things had taken a detour when uprisings cropped up in parts of the world that the rest of the population knew nothing about, but men like myself, and others who’d sworn to protect our countrymen were more than privy to.
I’m about two years late coming to get my woman, but at least she’d saved herself for me. She may not have consciously known that that’s what she’d been doing, but I appreciate it all the same. I don’t know how I would’ve reacted if some asshole had taken what’s mine. Knowing me, I’d have gotten his name out of her and hunted his ass down to take him out.
Thank fuck I don’t have to worry about that shit, and neither does she. My wiring isn’t the best when it comes to cognitive thought. I would see her laying with another man as a betrayal even though we hadn’t spoken in years, and she had no idea that I’d marked her for mine since the day she was born.