Page 14 of Stolen Desire
“You’re a very naughty girl, aren’t you, baby?” She didn’t care what he called her, as long as he never stopped stroking into her body. He picked up the pace giving her what she wanted but still holding back some, which made her crazy.
She tried taking over, but a slap to her hip made her yelp and calm down. “I’m not going to let you hurt yourself or my babies. I’ll get you off, but we’ll do it my way. Understood?” He didn’t need to bother because between the slap and his forceful tone; she was already cumming.
His finger strumming her clit, and that last slow deep fuck into her womb was just the catalyst that sent her into multiple orgasms. “Sleep love!” She didn’t even realize her eyes were closing until he said the words. She grabbed his hand and pulled it around her, begging him without words not to leave while she was asleep. Her body, unaccustomed to such strenuous activity, gave out, and she dropped off into sleep.
Chapter 12
He stayed awake well into the night, just watching her with his heart full. His hands kept straying to her bulging belly even though he wanted her to get as much rest as possible. His baby looked tired, there were dark circles under her eyes, and the spark had been missing. Now he knew why.
Three babies! He leaned over and placed his lips gently against the place where his children were asleep inside their mother. Earlier, they’d been a rambunctious bunch, and even though she hadn’t mentioned whether they were having girls or boys, he was hoping for three males.
I can’t handle a daughter, not if she’s going to be as fucking adorable as her mother had been when she was a kid. My heart warmed with those memories of the little girl who followed me around with her hand in mine from the time she was able to walk.
I was nine the year she was born. She was the scrawniest little thing you ever did see. I was one of the first people to see her after her mother and father because she was born at home on the ranch.
I remember looking at her and my chest getting tight. I was worried in my innocence that she might be like some of the baby kittens that had been born just the week before that hadn’t made it. She didn’t look much different from them in my estimation.
I guess our bond was forged that night when I first lifted her fingers with one of mine, and she opened her eyes and looked at me. I don’t remember what it was I was thinking at that very moment, but I do remember the feeling in my heart. Like a painful squeeze.
Years later, I’ve come to believe that the pain I felt was her sliding into my heart. From that moment on, I stuck to her like a second skin. Our relationship was a thing of legend back then. Everyone talked about us at every social gathering.
I looked down at her and brushed my hand over her hair gently as I recalled all the teasing from childhood into my teens and early adulthood. I can remember each word, each phrase every comment, almost word for word, and still to this day can hear those conversations that I’d carried with me all my life. Maybe they’re partly to blame for me being here now.
The fact that no one could get you to stop crying even when you were a teen, only me. That one of us was never seen without the other. They were amazed that with my usual surly attitude, you were the one thing I was always happy to be around.
My heart twisted as I remember how you’d wait for me to come home to kiss your booboos away. No matter where I was on the ranch that day, or how long it took for me to come back home, you refused to let anyone else tend to you until I came.
How many hurts did I miss since I’ve been gone? I reached out and brushed the hair back from her face with that same feeling in my heart, the feeling I had the first time I saw her when she was minutes old.
It had never changed, not once in all the years I’ve known her, and I know it never will. “You belong to me, always have always will,” I said the words softly in her ear before kissing her cheek.
I looked at my watch and then out the window. Soon I’ll have to leave her again but not for as long this time. I have some stuff to do to prepare. With this new turn of events, I’m going to be making some significant changes to my plans; things had progressed much faster than I thought possible.