Page 10 of Stolen Desire
She knows it’s not the doctor she’d once found so gloriously handsome, he wasn’t tall enough, and now when she looked at his body, at least at his arms under the scrubs, she knows that those are not the arms that held her that night, not enough muscle.
So now, instead of spending her days mooning over the doctor, she can be found most of the time daydreaming about her mystery lover. She’s even taken to looking at the arms and build of every man she meets searching for him until she’s made herself crazy.
At night she lays alone in her bed with her eyes close even though she’s wide awake just in case he’s watching, he wouldn’t be afraid to come to her because her eyes are closed. It took weeks, almost months, to get herself together.
She kept going hot and cold still. Some days she hated him with a passion, and others she yearned for the feel of his long thick cock driving in and out of her. And then she missed her period for the second time and knew that this was not stress-related.
A quick trip to the doctor after three home pregnancy tests all confirmed that she was indeed pregnant with his child; she was scared shitless. She thought about going back home to her family. How could she raise a baby on her own here? But the thought of going back left her with dread; she’d feel like such a failure.
She didn’t share the news with anyone, not until her sixth month when she could no longer hide her condition beneath the baggy clothes she’d taken to wearing. She’d let everyone at work believe she had a new boyfriend when they asked, but at night she’d lay awake in fear for the child and herself.
The truth is her baby’s father is not…; well, he is what he is. She wondered how many others he’d done this to? How many others were they after her? By the middle of her sixth month, she could barely walk; her tummy was getting so big. It seemed like every day, it grew a little more.
She had to sit down more at work than she used to, and now with her ankles swollen and something the size of a bowling ball crushing her organs, she was irritable and cross. She didn’t hate the baby, it was part of her after all, but she did wonder which of them he or she was going to look like.
She had long given up any hope of ever seeing him again, and after her initial panic had sat down and worked out on paper how she was going to raise this child on her own here in this town where she really didn’t know anyone except the people she worked with and they she’d never really taken the time to get close to outside of work.
It was the day before her next two days off, and she was looking forward to a good soak and bed. Her back was starting to hurt from the strain of carrying her babies, triplets the doctor had said in her last checkup. Apparently, there was something faulty with his equipment, and he hadn’t heard the other two heartbeats until then.
She’d laughed hysterically at the news, but now she’d gone numb. Was that only a couple days ago that he’d told her that? She sighed deep and heavy as she put the key in the door. She felt him before she heard him as soon as she walked in.
But as she made to turn, something was placed over her eyes, and her hands were drawn behind her back. Her knees grew weak, and her pussy trembled, her clit pressing against her panties as she flooded them with cunt cream. It was him; she knew that smell. “Hello, sweet baby.”
Chapter 9
He drew back in shock when he felt the growing mound of her middle. Jamie felt herself turned around so fast that her head spun for a second or two. His hands went to her stomach, and she felt him gathering the back of her sweater, stretching the knitted wool tight around her belly.
“You’re pregnant!” Was that awe in his voice she heard? She couldn’t be sure, but she was sure of the hard length she felt growing against her middle though he was turned on by her body. She heard his breath draw in, and the next thing she knew, her sweater and undershirt were being pulled off over her head.
She grew very self-conscious when she felt his gaze on her breasts that were barely being held by the industrial size bra she wore. Her breasts had grown obscenely large with her pregnancy. She’d gone from a decent size thirty-two C to a thirty-two HH.
He was amazed at the changes in her body as he undressed her. Her body had changed so much in the time he’d been gone that he couldn’t quite wrap his head around it. His heart had been lodged somewhere inside his lungs since he realized she was pregnant with his child, and it was his child; he had no doubt about that. His sweet baby isn’t the kind of girl to sleep with someone else so soon after he’d taken her virginity.