Page 32 of Bookstore Barbie (Magnolia Ridge 1)
“I guess I can see about getting one.” I’ll need to see the prices. I’m not rolling in money and this was the first week that the store actually did really well. I’ve hit this speed bump, but hopefully I can get everything cleaned up today and tomorrow so I can be back open on Tuesday for my normal hours.
“There isn’t any guess about it.” Shaw takes a few pieces of bacon off his plate and puts them on mine.
“Are you talking me into a security system with bacon?” I pick a piece up, taking a bite. “Because it will work.”
“I’ll remember that,” he laughs. “The security isn’t just for you. It will make me feel better while you’re working. We’ll stay here until we can find a place of our own.”
My fork full of pancake stops almost to my mouth.
“Did you just tell me we’re moving in together? Isn’t that something you’re supposed to ask?”
“Babe. Why would you think we’re not moving in together?” Both he and his mom stare at me.
“Okay.” I lick my lips before shoving the pancakes into my mouth. I mean, I know there has been some dirty talk about babies and so on. It was only dirty talk, wasn’t it? Although this dirty talk could be very real since I might be pregnant right now.
The way he’s acting, it isn’t all talk. There haven’t been words of love yet, but I can’t really press on that right now with his mom sitting at the table watching us. Not to mention I can’t be all, hey, you haven’t told me you love me yet.
The rest of breakfast is all small talk and Cora telling me about her knitting group. It doesn’t take me long to figure out that it’s them that’s gotten my business to take off recently. By the end of breakfast she has me agreeing to come to her next Knit Happens meeting.
“You ready?” Shaw asks after he gets done cleaning the kitchen.
“I’m sorry. I should have helped.” I’d gotten lost in conversation with his mom again.
“I think you’re helping him enough already.” Cora winks at me.
“Mom,” Shaw barks. I bury my face in his chest to smother my laughter and my blush. Shaw smacks my ass, making me jump.
“Let’s roll.” I give Romeo a pet and wave goodbye to his mom before we head into town.
“What’s going on?” I sit up straighter in my seat when I see the front door of my shop open.
The truck rolls to a stop and I’m out the door with Shaw right behind me.
“What is everyone doing?” When I step into the shop there are at least ten people inside, everyone organizing books and cleaning. Kayla is standing on a chair and shouting at them on how to put the books back onto the shelves and in what order. She is blaring words like “BDSM” and “insta-love” and no one is batting an eye.
“We’re cleaning up,” Kim says as she walks over. She’s been in a few times with her kids.
My eyes start to water that so many people are here to help.
“Why?” I look around. “I thought the town didn’t want the store?”
“Ha!” Amelia laughs as she picks up a pile of books. “People are all talk. They always need something to gossip about.” She dusts her hands off on her apron, which she usually wears to the diner.
“Just because people are running their mouths doesn’t mean they are going to be okay with someone coming in and doing this to one of our shops,” Kim adds. A few mumbles of agreement sound inside the store, making me smile bigger.
“Is it true you two busted Missy bringing in baked goods?” another woman that I don’t know asks. I’ve seen her around but she’s never been in the store before.
“Maybe.” Kayla wiggles her eyebrows with a smirk.
“About time someone busted her. I knew all along. No one is that skinny and makes donuts that good,” Amelia declares, making me burst into laughter.
Shaw kisses me behind the ear, telling me he’s meeting the security people out back. I grab his arm and pull him back for a real kiss, not caring who sees. Or maybe I want everyone to see.
This break-in might actually work out in my favor.
Chapter Sixteen
“Where do you think she’s going?” I ask Barbara as Kayla runs in the front door and straight into the storage closet.
“No clue, but I’m pretty sure it’s got something to with a man.”
I take a box of books to the back of the store and then I hear the new alarm on the front door chime.
“Can I help you?” I hear Barbara say as I put the box with the others and walk toward the front.
“You’re Barbie, right?”
“Who’s asking?” I call out, until I see it’s the guy from the police station. “Oh, you’re looking for Kayla.” I walk up to him as he nods and I hold out my hand. “I’m Shaw, and that one is mine.”