Page 19 of Bookstore Barbie (Magnolia Ridge 1)
“Wait! You can’t cliffhanger me like that.” I chase after her.
“It’s nothing. He’s way older than me and I don’t even know if he’s staying around or not. Either way, it’s best if I hide out and wait.”
“To see if he’s actually staying in town?”
“That and other things.” She looks everywhere but at me and she looks uncomfortable.
“You’re not going to tell me what these other things are?”
“Like you told me Shaw was helping you with boxes?” She smirks and I stick my tongue out at her because I know she’s won this round.
“Speaking of Shaw I thought you said you knew some stuff about him?” She didn’t get a chance to tell me when I got back with our lunch. I had to steal bites of my food and work at the same time, not that I’m complaining. Being busy helps pass the time until I see Shaw again.
When he stopped in with snacks and flowers, I knew I was being stupid about having any doubts about this or him. He’s too good to be true, so I told myself he couldn’t be real and here he is being perfect. He showed me today that he actually might be more than perfect, at least for me.
“He’s new in town, like you, and here to help out his mom.” None of this is news to me. It’s sweet he’s staying here to help her and it says a lot about him. “I guess all the girls around town have been talking about him, but getting him to speak is impossible. It’s clear you don’t have that issue with him.” She lets out a laugh, stealing another piece of the chocolate Shaw brought me.
“That’s all you’ve got?” I grab a piece myself and pop the sweet treat in my mouth.
“He’s got money.” She shrugs as she says it, knowing I won’t care about that. “That’s all, really. Like I said, he doesn’t talk much so people are just making crap up.”
“He talks to me and that’s all that matters.” I try and not sound smug about it, but I kind of am.
“When is he coming back?” Kayla picks up her phone and checks the time. I grab mine from inside my desk, remembering I forgot to check my text messages from Shaw earlier. Will he be annoyed? Better yet, will I be in trouble? A yummy chill runs through me and my body loves the idea. A fantasy begins to unfold and I heat up.
“Earth to Barbie.” She snaps her fingers in front of my face and I blink a few times.
“At close,” I answer, coming back to reality.
“You want to tell me what you were daydreaming about right then?”
“Nope.” I unlock my phone and see a missed text from Shaw asking me if I’m hungry. There’s one from an hour ago telling me he could still taste me on his lips. I want to taste him on my lips too. It was so hot with him on his knees in front of me. I think it would be just as hot if I was on mine in front of him.
“Oh. Some douchebag came by looking for you when you went to grab us food.”
I put my phone down before I can text him back because I have no idea who she is talking about. “Who?”
“I didn’t recognize him. Short red hair, dark eyes, and thinks he’s hot. Spoiler, he isn’t.”
“He was in the bookstore?” It’s not often we have men come in here.
“Yep, said he was here the other day and he wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh.” Then I remember it must have been the guy Shaw saved me from. I was sure I’d never see him again.
“He left his number.” She reaches into her jeans, pulling out the scrap of paper and handing it to me. “He said he’d be back later.” I look down at the number and I’m surprised he came back. I drop it down on my desk with no plans to call him.
“I won’t be needing that.”
“I figured. I was going to tell him to buzz off but he was gone as quick as he was here.” She jumps down from my desk. “Do me a solid and peek out the front. Let me know if you see someone who is built like a tank and looks pissed.” She grabs her bag.
“Looks pissed? Did you do something to this guy you’re avoiding?”
“No, his face is always like that.” She lets out a long sigh. “It’s hot.” I burst into laughter because of course Kayla thinks it is.
“If you say so.” I walk over to the front door and take a peek outside. Missy is standing there glaring at me. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask her if she doesn’t have something better to do, but I don’t want to start a fight with her. I want to close my shop and spend the night with Shaw, so I step back inside.