Page 16 of Bookstore Barbie (Magnolia Ridge 1)
Being able to stay at Barbie’s place was nice. I like that it smelled like her. My thoughts wander to what she’s doing and what she’s thinking about. Is she thinking about us and last night as much as I am?
I pull out my phone and fire off a quick text just telling her I can’t stop thinking about her and I’ll be by later to take her to dinner. A real date this time.
When I don’t get a response back right away I try not to worry and put my phone away. She’s probably busy at the shop, and then I worry if she’s eaten today. We didn’t have time for breakfast before she had to open the store and I had to be on the job site. Maybe I could swing by the store and bring her a snack before dinner. Would that be coming on too strong? Fuck, I already practically came in her pussy, is bringing her a snack really too far?
“Dwayne, if you’re going to give me a workout like that and make me hot and sweaty, at least bring cigarettes for afterwards.”
“Mother!” My tone is warning her but she just waves her hand like she’s batting away my disapproval.
“Just ignore him, Dwayne, he’s in love.”
“Oh really? Is that true, Mr. Shaw?” Dwayne asks as he helps my mother over to her sitting chair by the window where she likes to read in the afternoons.
I blink a few times before I answer and my mother turns her eyes on me. There’s a knowing look there and she’s daring me to disagree. I open my mouth to speak and then close it again. What the hell am I feeling?
“The poor boy doesn’t even know it yet.” She winks at me as she settles into her seat. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell.”
We say goodbye to Dwayne and when he leaves us alone, my mom grabs one of the new books I brought her and opens it in her lap.
“What exactly did you mean by that last comment?” I push.
“Which one? The one where I told Dwayne to rest up for our next session so he didn’t tire so quickly?” I growl and she giggles. God, she loves tormenting me. “Calm down.”
“What would Dad say about you flirting so much?”
“Your father knew I was a flirt the day he met me, and in fifty years together he never tried to change it.” Her smile falls only slightly as she remembers him. “I think it was one of the things he loved most about me. Only because it gave him a chance to show off.” She closes her eyes for a second as if having a fond memory before she sighs and opens them again. “I know my son better than I know anyone else on this earth. Better than your father even. This woman is important to you, and I’d like to meet her.”
“Okay? You’re going to agree so easily?” She looks surprised but delighted.
“Okay, yes. She is important to me and I want you to meet her.”
“Ask her to bring me some books. The ones she’s added to the list have been wonderful.”
“You really are shameless.”
“Nothing good in life comes without asking.” She looks back down at her book and takes a sip of her tea while she reads.
“Do you want me to bring dinner by tonight?” I ask as I stand up and grab my keys.
“No thanks. Mrs. Roberts is bringing some of the girls over and we’re going to watch a dirty movie.”
“Oh god.” I bury my face in my hands and I hear her laugh.
“If you don’t want to know the answer to questions, you really should stop asking them.”
“Okay, I’m leaving now.”
“Have fun tonight,” she calls to my back, and I tell her I love her.
When I get into the truck, I go straight to the flower shop and pick up a ready-made bouquet. Then I swing by the grocery store and get some of the snacks I know are Barbie’s favorites. After hours of discussing exactly what candy we do and don’t like, I know exactly what to get without hesitating.
After I’ve got my little snack bag and flowers together, I drive to the bookstore and try to think of what to do. I can see through the window she’s got several customers in her shop and I don’t want to disturb her day. If I go in there I’m afraid I won’t be able to take my hands off her and so I sit in my truck and watch her.
I don’t know how long I’m there for, but it feels like hours. I watch her smile to the people that come up to the counter and talk excitedly with women as she helps them select books. There’s even a few instances with the kids where she’s reading to them, and god, it makes my chest tight. Why do I have all these feelings so suddenly and fast with her? It’s like I’ve been hit by my own truck and now I’m left forever altered by her.