Page 68 of Ashes (Dark in You 3)
She resisted his attempts to move her and instead stepped aside, putting a little distance between them, hoping another contraction wouldn’t make her double over. “Don’t be stupid. If it thinks you’re trying to keep it from its mate, it’ll hurt you – sentinel or not.”
Tanner growled. “And what if it hurts you, huh?”
“It won’t.”
“Ordinarily, no, it wouldn’t. But this place is feeding its anger and warping its mind. Right now, it’s got vengeance on the brain, and you just pissed it off. What if it now wants vengeance against you?”
Harper swallowed. “Then we’re all fucked.” She put up a hand as the demon came close. “You need to stop.” It didn’t. She touched its psyche and felt only a blinding rage. Shit. Her heart started pumping even crazier than before and her inner demon began to panic. The entity was almost on her and —
A shower of embers, sparks, and ashes burst to life in front of her… almost like a shield. It popped and snapped and made Harper’s face go slack.
“How the hell are you doing that?” asked Keenan.
“I’m not,” said Harper in a stunned whisper.
The archdemon didn’t seem impressed. It punched through the shield, and there was a harsh sizzling sound, like hellfire eating flesh. But the entity didn’t pull back, apparently not bothered about a little pain. The embers and sparks winked away, and the ashes disintegrated. Then the demon’s hand snapped tight around her throat. The sentinels lunged for her, but a wall of flames abruptly shot out of the ground to surround her, pushing them back and blocking their access to her.
Harper grabbed onto its flaming wrist, hissing at the burning heat, although it didn’t hurt her. She tried to free herself, but the demon didn’t even loosen its grip. “If you kill me,” she managed to wheeze out, “you’ll kill the baby. I know the baby matters to you.”
Blinding pain rushed out of its hand and filled every part of her. She screamed. She sobbed. She begged it to stop. It didn’t. It kept on flooding her with white-hot pain. As she waited for death to come, she silently apologized to the baby for being unable to protect it; for trusting this demon she apparently never should have trusted.
Her skin felt cold, wet. Blood, she thought. The demon was somehow making her blood seep out of her pores. But she didn’t smell blood. No, she smelled… decay. Rot. Sickness.
Harper looked at her arms, realized black liquid was bubbling out of her skin. And she understood. It wasn’t attacking her; it was attacking the dark magick that had infected her. She hadn’t thought there was any chance that the demon could help; it wasn’t built to heal. But this wasn’t healing – this was destroying magick. The side effect was that she was healing.
Gradually the pain dimmed, and she let out a shaky breath. The fire started to peel away from the demon, starting from its head. But the eyes were black – the entity was still very much in control.
The hand collaring her throat pulled her close, thumb circling her neck. “Mine.” It kissed her hard, inhaling her scent… and then the hold on her throat gentled, and she knew Knox was back.
His hands cradled her face. “Baby…” Using his thumbs, Knox brushed the tears from her cheeks. He was about to tell her how sorry he was, that he knew he’d fucked up and he’d make it up to her, but then she sucked in a breath and doubled over. He supported her weight as she breathed through the contraction. Once it finally eased away, she fisted his shirt and yanked.
“You need to get me away from here, Thorne! This baby’s coming whether we like it or not.”
“I can see that.” Knox scooped her up. “Go through the portal,” he told the sentinels. “Tell Jolene and the others that she’s fine so they don’t lose their minds.”
“What do we tell them when they ask how you got out of here?” asked Keenan.
“Tell them I made one of the incantors open a second portal that leads straight to my home right before I killed them – I don’t care. I’m taking her straight home.”
Harper watched as, with nothing more than a single sweep of his gaze, the fire began to calm and thin out. Still, she knew it would look much like a strip of dead, blackened land.
Golden flames built around them, licking over her skin without harming her. Soon, the fire faded and they were in their living room. Everything was set up, ready. Plastic sheeting and old towels and bed sheets were all laid out. Blankets and clean warm towels were set aside, along with Dr. Rodgers’ bag. There was even an incubator in the event that the baby might need it, and that made her feel slightly better.
Meg literally dived at her, hugging her and muttering in Spanish. Swiping a tear from under her eye, she stepped back and Rodgers came forward.
“Harper, Knox – this is my mate, Sharon,” he said. “She’s a midwife, and she’s here to help.”
Harper forced a smile for the curvy brunette. “Shame we had to meet for the first time under these circumstances.”
Knox carefully positioned Harper on the covered floor, and her hand shot out in a panic to grab his own. “I’m right here, baby, I’m not leaving your side,” he vowed. As the doctor and midwife examined her, Knox kept his focus solely on Harper. He’d wanted to be with her every step of the way, and he was going to make up for the fact that he so far hadn’t been. He’d keep his fears and concerns to himself. This was all about her.
“I wouldn’t bother with the heating pad or anything, Meg,” said Rodgers. “The baby’s crowning already.”
Seeing fear glimmer in Harper’s eyes, Knox squeezed her hand. “Just think, we’ll finally see the baby soon. You’ll finally know if it’s a girl or a boy – I know that’s been driving you crazy.” Her mouth quirked, and just the sight lightened the guilt weighing on his shoulders. He might be pissed at himself, but she wasn’t pissed at him.
“It’s been driving you insane too, admit —” Harper cut off with a moan as a contraction seemed to slam into her womb. She hadn’t thought the pain could get any worse. She’d been wrong.
“Once the baby’s in your arms, you’ll forget all about the pain,” Sharon promised. “Now get ready. We’re going to need you to start pushing in a few moments.” As soon as the next contraction began, Sharon said, “Okay, push.”
Harper pushed. Nothing happened. As time went on and the pushing achieved jack shit, she clung to Knox’s hand, so fucking glad he was there and so fucking surprised she hadn’t crushed any of the bones in his hand. Even at home, away from danger, she felt completely out of her element. Utterly out of control.
His touch was strong and reassuring; his words were encouraging and supportive; and his presence was calming and made her feel safe. She needed that right then. Needed the way he squeezed her hand, rubbed her back, whispered in her ear, and didn’t complain when she dug her nails into his skin.
Drained, she sagged against him. “I can’t do this anymore, I just can’t.” She’d pushed and pushed, but nothing was happening.
He kissed her temple. “You are doing it, baby. I’m watching you do it and I’m proud of you.” He smoothed her hair away from her face. “I know you’re tired, but you’re doing great.” Turning to Sharon, Knox scowled. “Should she really be in this much pain? And should it really be taking so long?”
Sharon gave him a pitying look. “Sweetie, it ain’t called ‘labor’ for nothing.”
Rodgers smiled at Harper. “Just visualize your cervix opening like a flower —”
“Stop, just stop,” Harper snapped. He’d done nothing but make dumb and often wildly inappropriate comments until he’d lost all credibility to her. It was just her luck that she’d end up with a doctor who used humor to get himself through tricky situations.
Another contraction came, and she dug her fingers into Knox’s arm.
“Okay, Harper, time to push again,” Sharon declared.
Harper pushed. There was a loud farting sound. Her mouth dropped open in mortification, but then Rodgers gave her a sheepish look and said, “Sorry about that. I had chicken korma before I came.”