Page 40 of Ashes (Dark in You 3)
Cupping her hips, he pulled her close. “Of course you are. It’s the only reason my demon isn’t destroying its surroundings.” He gave her a quick kiss. “I have to leave now, so I can’t have breakfast with you, but I won’t be long. Be good for Tanner and Keenan. Oh, be warned that Meg may fuss over you like crazy. She was scared seeing you in that much pain. Be patient with her.”
“I will, if for no other reason than she won’t make me muffins anymore if I’m not.” She melted into him as he brushed his nose against hers before kissing her yet again. “Love you.”
“And I love you, baby.” They were words he’d never thought he’d ever give to someone. Words he didn’t think he could give, since there was no denying that he was emotionally stunted. But they were the truth. She was everything to him. And now she was carrying his baby. A child that would probably always be in danger for the simple reason that Knox was its father, just like Harper would probably always be in danger for the simple reason that she was his mate.
Maybe Knox should feel some regret, feel some sense of guilt, for having taken her as his mate and brought this level of danger to her life. But he couldn’t. He’d never have any regrets about Harper, even if it meant that a cloud of menace would always hang above them. It was no doubt selfish and unfair of him, but he’d never claimed to be good. Never would be “good”.
Likewise, his demon had no regrets. But then, it wasn’t capable of remorse. It had no conscience, no pity, no sense of fair play. Demonkind had been very wise to ask that archdemons remain in hell. It was where they belonged; the only place that beings so destructive and cruel should be allowed to inhabit.
Knox wasn’t sure if Harper truly grasped that his demon’s sanity rested on the mere fact that her heart beat in her chest. She anchored it in so many ways that it would literally be lost without her. It was exactly the same for Knox.
The person targeting her truly had no idea just what fate they were tempting. Oh, they no doubt suspected that Knox would snap and cause a mass amount of destruction if she died, but they might also believe that it would turn demonkind against him and, as such, many would come together to take him down.
They didn’t understand that none of them would even have a chance to take him down, let alone the ability. Really, they’d better hope to fucking God that their plans didn’t succeed, or the Earth would be nothing but wasteland by the time Knox and his demon were done with it. The remains would make hell look like a damn paradise.
Standing at the entrance to the boardroom, Knox watched as Thatcher approached with one of his sentinels. His demon sneered, just as it had at every other person who neared it. Anger still had a tight hold on the entity, and all it wanted was to be with its mate – but not before delivering a special brand of vengeance. And since the male heading toward them could quite possibly be responsible for her pain… yeah, the demon wanted to butcher him with a boning knife.
Unlike Knox, it didn’t care if it punished the wrong person in its quest to discover who hexed their mate – collateral damage was nothing to the entity.
Thatcher nodded. “Good to see you, Knox.” He didn’t seem to be the least bit nervous or worried about what reason Knox could have had to call for the meeting. “I don’t suppose you’ll give me a hint of what this is about.”
“You’ll find out soon enough,” Knox told him, just as he’d told all the others who asked.
Thatcher’s mouth curved. “It was worth a try.”
Knox gestured for him and his sentinel to enter, and they joined the other Primes, who were gathered around the long table. Many were leaning into each other, speaking in low voices – no doubt speculating on what Knox had to say.
More and more people arrived, making his demon more and more restless. When it saw Jonas and Alethea with two sentinels, it unexpectedly settled. No, not settled, he quickly realized. It was putting aside its anger to study them carefully. Very, very carefully. Apparently, it suspected them more than it suspected Thatcher.
Knox gave them a nod of greeting. “Jonas, Alethea.”
Jonas’ smile was as cordial as always. “I must admit, you have me curious. I’m assuming this is about the Horsemen.”
“Have the decency to wait for the meeting to start,” Alethea playfully admonished her brother. She then leaned forward as she shook Knox’s hand, and he got a whiff of her trademark rose perfume that never failed to make Harper’s nose wrinkle.
Knox could see that she was waiting for him to kiss her cheek as he would have done long before meeting Harper, but tonight he didn’t. And it scored a hit, because she narrowed her eyes as she straightened.
“Where is your sphinx?” asked Alethea, the words tightly spoken.
“At home, resting.”
“Resting?” Concern creased Jonas’ brow. “I heard about the hunters. Did more strike?”
“I’ll explain everything once the others arrive.”
Jonas reluctantly walked away without asking additional questions. Alethea shot Knox an unreadable look before trailing after her brother, hips swaying provocatively. Knox subtly inhaled, allowing the scents of coffee, polish, and citrus air freshener to drown out the perfume.
Standing near the far wall, Levi exchanged an impatient look with Knox. The reaper was still fuming about the hex and seemingly had no tolerance whatsoever for Alethea’s brand of petty behavior right now.
Turning, Knox smiled at the sight of two imps approaching. “Jolene, Beck – glad you could make it.”
Jolene’s mouth curled. “Knox, always a pleasure.”
“No Martina?”
“She’s terribly upset about Harper. I couldn’t guarantee that she wouldn’t set anything in your beautiful hotel on fire.”
Knox nodded in understanding. “I appreciate your foresight.”
Jolene’s smile widened. “I thought you might.” I paid Harper a visit before I left for the meeting. Other than tired, she seems reasonably well, all things considered.
The hex doesn’t seem to have caused any lasting effects.
Which means I don’t have to blow up any more buildings. Jolene linked her arm through Beck’s. “Ah, I see dear old Malden. It will be fun to have someone to toy with.” She headed for the table, and Knox knew she’d undoubtedly tease the other Prime much like her granddaughter usually did.
After the last three Primes arrived, and all were seated, Knox closed the door. His footsteps were silent as he stalked along the carpet toward the head of the table, passing light-gold walls that were bare, aside from the media screen at the front of the room. The voices fell silent, until all Knox could hear was the steady hum of the air conditioning.
Knox slowly sank into the seat at the head of the table, the media screen at his back. “Thank you all for coming. I appreciate you taking a break from your schedules to attend the meeting on such short notice.”
“Did you find out something about the Horsemen?” asked Jonas.
“Did you?” Knox returned.
Jonas blinked. “If anyone knows anything, they’re not talking.”
Raul grabbed the pitcher and poured himself a glass of ice water as he spoke. “There are whispers of who they could be, but they seem to be merely speculation fueled by paranoia.”
Knox leaned back in the chair, making the leather creak slightly. “What about you, Thatcher? Heard anything interesting?”
Thatcher adjusted his tie. “I confess, I haven’t investigated the matter much.”
Knox lifted a brow. “And why is that?”
There was a long pause. “I’m not convinced they are real,” Thatcher finally admitted. “I am not calling you a liar, Knox. I just don’t trust the words of a delusional, near-rogue demon.”
Ordinarily, neither would Knox, but… “It wasn’t Laurence Crow who told me about the Horsemen. He wasn’t aware they were using him like a puppet.” Knox had learned of them from Dario and Nora, but since many back then had suspected that Dario was near-rogue, Dario had believed that to voice such a conspiracy would simply make him seem paranoid – a symptom of a rogue demon. As such, it would have then given credence to the near-rogue rumors.