Page 51 of Consumed (Deep In Your Veins 4)
“I’d rather not call on him. He’s exhausted with all the work he’s been doing; it’s causing his control over his bloodlust to waver.”
“This bastard isn’t worth making it worse for Ryder,” interjected Jared, “he needs a rest.”
“Besides, considering all the charges that lay at our captive’s feet and considering what went on in that brothel, I think he deserves a little pain.”
Maybe it was wrong to be in full agreement with that, but I was. “Shall I contact the other girls or the rest of the squad?”
“No,” replied Sam. “Let them all have some time to wind down. They need it.”
Jared looked at his mate. “Ready to go?” At her nod, he then teleported us all to the prison beneath the mansion. Inside was a row of containment cells that were constructed of unbreakable glass. A short distance away was Evan and one of the prison guards, Alec. We headed straight for them and tracked their gazes to a Mexican-looking Keja who was bound to a metal chair in one of the cells.
Jared patted his twin on the back in a ‘well done’ gesture before turning a dark glare on the Keja.
Evan handed a sheet of paper to Sam that had a photograph attached. I was guessing it was the personal profile of this particular supplier that had been compiled by The Hollow’s researchers. He then arched a brow at Sam. “I take it you don’t need me for this?”
She shook her head. “You’ve done well and you must be knackered. Go rest.” Once Evan and Alec were gone, she turned to Jared. “Ready?”
“Definitely.” He fitted his hand into one of the two imprints that were situated on the door of the cell – one imprint was for him, and the other was for Sam. The door made a hissing sound as it unlocked. Jared opened it wide, letting Sam, Salem, and I enter before walking inside.
Sam consulted the sheet of paper in her hand. “Vinnie G, isn’t it? Seventy-three years old, human and vampire years combined. Originally from Mexico. Your vampiric gift: an ability to immobilize things. Favourite pastime: kidnapping innocent people and selling them like frozen goods with three of your best mates. Occupation: total and utter prick.” She looked up at him. “Did I miss anything?” He didn’t say a word.
I leaned into Salem, who had his arms folded across his chest. “Not very talkative, is he?”
Sam sighed. “At least he’s not faking respect. It’s such a nice change.”
Jared stepped forward. “Okay, here’s the situation, Vinnie. We know that you dabble in human and preternatural trafficking. We have testimonies to that effect from the survivors and the keeper of a brothel that was recently shut down. There is no escaping the fate that lies ahead of you. It’s no secret that my mate and I are a little rough when it comes to punishments. We believe in making unforgettable statements that certain things won’t be tolerated. Trafficking is one of them. So I’m guessing you know you’re in for a world of pain.”
As if to prove that, Sam conjured her silvery-blue energy whip, and threaded it through her fingers. Vinnie’s eyes followed the movement and his entire body stiffened, bracing itself for the pain.
Jared smiled at him. “But there’s good news. You see, we have some questions. If you answer them truthfully, we’ll give you a swift execution – which is much more than you deserve. If you don’t…well, things are going to go downhill from here for you.”
Vinnie still didn’t speak, but his eyes darted repeatedly from the whip to Salem…as if sensing the danger he presented, and expecting him to lunge at Vinnie any second. Salem’s stillness was in fact scary. Not to mention the way his glare was locked on Vinnie with lethal intent.
“Not interested in our offer?” Sam smiled brightly. “Fabulous. That means I get to play.”
I clapped a little. “This is going to be sweet.”
“Actually, Ava, why don’t you join me? I said I’d give you some pointers for the process of interrogation. No time like the present. And we’re in no rush.” Sam looked at Jared. “You don’t mind sitting out for a while, do you?”
Jared frowned. “Just for the first hour. I like to play too.” He backed off, planting himself next to Salem.
I knew that this was all psychological warfare, but I still happily skipped forward; adopting my airhead act, since it tended to make people underestimate me.
“Now, Ava, it’s important that the captive is scared. Does he look scared to you?”
I studied his expression. “Not a lot. Which is kind of stupid. Maybe he’s just dense.”
“Even dense people have a sense of self-preservation.”
“True enough.”
“So, like I said, we need to be sure he’s scared.” With that practical tone, she could have been reciting the ingredients of a cake recipe. “That’s where my whip comes in handy.” She cracked it at Vinnie, splitting open his bottom lip and startling a guttural groan from him. “Or my energy balls.” Moulding her whip into a ball, she flung it at Vinnie’s abdomen; he would have keeled over if a rope wasn’t wrapped around his middle, pinning him in place. “Sometimes, I even burn them for a little while.” Flames sprouted from one palm and engulfed Vinnie’s shoes. “Depends what mood I’m in, really.” A splash of water from Sam’s other palm killed the fire.
Vinnie sagged, but he hardly made a sound – clearly unwilling to give us the satisfaction of hearing him cry out. “Ooh, he’s a quiet one. How awesome. Screamers are too much to take.”
“Hard on the ears,” agreed Sam. “Right, your turn. Any special skills?”
I turned to fully face her, as if Vinnie’s presence was of no consequence and Sam and I were having a gossiping session. “Well, when I used to work for my brother, he asked me to help with some of his interrogations. He’s not squeamish, but he hates the sound of bones cracking. I can’t say that’s ever bothered me. So I always stepped in.”
“Do you go for the fingers?”
“No, not painful enough. I go for the thigh – breaking the femur bone is supposed to be fucking agonising. The ankles too, since the ligaments tear at the same time; that’s bad. The heel bone is a good one too. Hey, did you know that a calcaneal fracture is also called ‘Don Juan fracture’?” I shook my head. “I never did find out why. Anyway, I used to go for the cheekbone because I’m told that’s real freaking painful. But they always used to pass out from that, which was really annoying, so I –”