Page 44 of Consumed (Deep In Your Veins 4)
“Some time,” he agreed rather reluctantly. And I knew that was the best deal I’d get.
When Salem left for one of his squad’s training sessions at dusk, I’d been green with envy. I knew Sam and Jared gave them combat training, and the idea of gaining better control of my combat-based gift was damn appealing. So when Sam had called me five minutes after Salem left and invited me to come along – and to bring the other girls with me – I hadn’t hesitated.
Mere seconds after I’d entered the arena, Salem appeared at my side; his face a question mark. I gave him a bright, excited smile. “Guess what! Sam invited us. She wants us to undergo some training. Isn’t that great?”
His entire body went rigid. “Training?” he echoed, incredulous and disapproving.
“Yes,” I replied, stretching out the word. “Why are you scowling at me?”
Before he could respond, Chico was speaking as he headed for Jude. “Did I just hear that you’ve been invited to train with us?”
Jude nodded happily, which earned her a frown. “Is there a problem with that?” Her expression both dared him to say ‘no’ and warned him not to even think it.
Salem turned to Sam, who was strolling toward us. “You can’t expect them to train with us, Coach.” The words were firm without being disrespectful.
Sam shrugged. “Why is that?”
“Yeah,” drawled Alora, crossing her arms over her chest. “Why is that?”
It was Chico who answered. “They’ve had no training whatsoever, Coach. We’re at an advanced level; they could never keep up.” The rest of the squad had gathered at this point, none of whom looked pleased by the presence of me and my not-yet-fully-formed squad.
“I’m well aware of that, Chico,” Sam told him. “I’m also aware that there’s trouble brewing over dear old Diane. Here’s what you’re all not getting. It’s likely that one of two things will happen. Either Giles will call to inform us that he’s lured Diane to his club, or he’ll give us her location. In both cases, we’ll be walking into a trap because it’s clear that the bloke has no intention of giving her up.
“That means there’ll be a battle at some point – maybe with Giles, maybe with Diane herself, or maybe even with both of them. I need these girls prepared for the battle. I need to know they feel confident enough to protect themselves. They won’t be confident without some training. For the next few evenings, I need you all to help with that.”
Chico took a step back. “I’m sorry, Coach, but I can’t. Part of training is learning to deal with pain and keep on going, and I can’t hurt women.”
Cassie frowned, confused and frustrated. “You must have hurt women during battles.”
“Yeah, but that was different. They were enemies; it was a case of my life or theirs. But this…you seven are under our protection, and I can’t hurt any of you.” The rest of the squad nodded, their postures rebellious.
Sam sighed. “Admirable, yet irritating.
I was in agreement with that. While their protectiveness was kind of cute, it was also annoying and even insulting.
“Chico, go stand against the eastern wall. Cassie, take a spot against the western wall so that you’re directly opposite him. There should be at least three car-spaces between you.”
Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Cassie followed Sam’s order.
“Good,” said Sam once the two vampires were in position. “Now Chico, hit her with some darts.” He hesitated, clearly balking at the idea. “Come on. Reuben has reduced the effectiveness of your gift. The thorns will do nothing more than make her itch.”
“Fine.” Chico inhaled deeply, raised his hand…and nothing. Sweat beaded his brow, and lines of strain marked his face as it became a mask of frustration.
“Chico, we’re waiting.”
“I can’t,” he bit out.
“Why? Because you’re reluctant to hurt her?”
“Then, why?”
His upper lip curled. “Because I can’t fucking do it. I want to, but it’s not happening. I just…can’t!”
“That’s right. Would you like to know why, Chico?” Sam looked at me. “Should we tell him?”
“Oh yeah.” I smiled at Chico. “It’s really good.”
Maya nodded. “You’ll love it. Really.”
“The reason you can’t do it…is that Cassie won’t let you,” explained Sam. “Right now, she’s in your mind – a presence so subtle you can’t even feel it. She can stop you from harming her, can make you do absolutely anything, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“I could even take full control of your mind,” Cassie revealed. “And if I wanted to, I could even remove your memory of this moment afterwards, so that you won’t even remember it.”
“Would you like that?” Sam asked Chico. “At least then your pride will still be intact.”
“Point taken,” Chico mumbled.
Reuben exhaled heavily. “Okay, Coach, I get it. This kind of gift will protect Cassie well. But they can’t all control minds.”
Sam tapped her chin with her finger. “Hmm. I tell you what, why don’t you go get yourself comfortable in Chico’s spot? Ava, you can replace Cassie.”
I clapped a little. “Ooh, this will be fun.” I stopped when Salem put a restraining hand on my arm. “Easy, big guy.” I patted his chest, expecting him to scowl at me. But he was staring at Sam, shaking his head.
Reuben’s huff was almost petulant. “This isn’t necessary. I know what Ava’s gift is, and I know she’s good – I’ve seen her fight.”
“But you still don’t think she stands a chance against one of you super-duper blokes, do you?” fired Sam, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Not when I’m much bigger than her, and not when all I have to do is touch her once for her to be vulnerable to me.”
“Fine. So show us.”
Salem shook his head again. “I won’t let him hurt her, Coach.”
“He’s not going to hurt her. All he needs to do is touch her to weaken her gift, thus proving his point.” She motioned Reuben toward Chico’s spot, and he practically stomped all the way there.