Page 33 of Consumed (Deep In Your Veins 4)
“At least I haven’t scattered colourful, exotic plants everywhere. Poor Evan was devastated that Alora insisted on taking them with her when she moved in with him.” Salem exhaled a long breath, looking in actual pain. “If you want me to leave, just say so. I won’t be mad.” I’d be upset, but I’d understand. Salem was like the manliest guy I’d ever met – so manly that even ‘pink’ couldn’t chip away at his masculinity. But he was comfortable in dark colours and simple designs. I’d literally bedazzled his fucking home.
His brows pulled together. “Why would I want you to leave?” He grabbed my wrist and yanked me to him, making me crash into his chest. “I knew what I was letting myself in for when I asked you to move in. I’ve seen your apartment and your scarily feminine style, remember.”
“And you thought you could talk me into leaving most of the scarily feminine stuff behind,” I accused with a smile as his arms snaked around my waist.
Unrepentant, he shrugged. “It was worth a shot.” His mouth took mine, ate at it, as his hands slid down to cup my ass and lift me. He seemed to like carrying me.
When I came up for air, I smiled. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
Accepting me as I am. “Well, although you whined and grumbled over me bringing this stuff here, you weren’t half as awkward as what you could have been. And I know you kept most of the swearing inside your head.”
He brushed his mouth against mine. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Not insisting on bringing the glittery clock or the cardboard cut-out of Yogi Bear.”
I giggled. “I don’t need Yogi when I have my own bear right here.” I rubbed his chest. “So cute and cuddly.”
Here came the deathly scowl. “I’m not cute. And I’m definitely not fucking cuddly.”
The sudden ringing of a cell phone stopped me from teasing him any further. “That’s mine.” He set me down so I could grab my phone from the table. “It’s Sam,” I told him before answering. “Hello?”
Then there was Sam’s voice. “Ava, I could do with your help. Meet me outside the infirmary as soon as you can.”
Both startled and concerned, I did exactly that. Of course Salem came along, claiming he just wanted the pleasure of my company. I was pretty sure his main motivation was to protect me from Gina, suspecting the bitch might try to get me alone at some point. And, of course, there was the whole ‘nosy bastard’ thing.
Sam and Jared were both waiting outside the infirmary; his front pressed to her back and his arm curled around her shoulder. She seemed tense and nervous.
“Is everything okay?” I asked. “Please tell me none of the survivors died.”
Sam shook her head. “Mary Jane called me half an hour ago. One of the survivors is fully conscious.”
“That’s good news, right?”
“It’s bloody brilliant news.” A pained look took over her face as she added, “I have to go in there to speak to her, but I’m sure you’re well aware that I don’t have a way with words. You’re good with people, you make them smile and stuff.”
“You want me to come with you?”
“I don’t want to take Jared, since I doubt she’ll be comfortable around blokes right now, considering what she’s been through.”
“Understandable.” The survivor would probably also be less inclined to talk about what had happened if a guy was present. “I’m ready when you are.”
Sam turned to Salem. “You can either wait out here with Jared or –”
“I’ll be here,” he stated, his gaze on me.
I gave him a smile. “I won’t be long.”
I followed Sam into the infirmary and over to a bed at the far end of the room. I was pretty sure that if Fletcher had been with us, he would have passed out from the strength of the emotions that seeped from the vampire lying awake on the bed. Fear. Despair. Pain. Anxiety. And – totally breaking my heart – shame.
I wanted to tell her that she didn’t have a single thing to be ashamed about; that nothing that happened had been her fault, but I was guessing that wasn’t a conversation the girl would want to have with a perfect stranger. I smiled gently, keeping my voice soft but empty of pity. She didn’t warrant pity, she deserved a fucking medal for surviving. “Hi. I’m Ava.”
The thin, pale redhead gave a tiny nod, swallowing hard. She couldn’t have been more than sixteen when she was Turned. I wondered if that had been a factor in why she’d been chosen for the brothel. Some people were sick enough to prefer young ones.
When the redhead’s eyes examined Sam, she cleared her throat. “You’re the Grand High –”
“Yeah,” Sam quickly confirmed, still uncomfortable with all the formalities that went with her position, including the very ‘posh’ title.
“I’m a member of the legion,” I told her. “Can I ask what your name is?”
She swallowed hard again. “Rosa.” Her gaze returned to Sam. “The nurse said you rescued us, that you destroyed the brothel. Thank you.”
Not good at accepting thanks or praise, Sam said, “With the help of my mate and squad. Ava was also there.”
Rosa’s expression suddenly turned fierce. “Did you kill the bastards?”
“We killed the staff and the clients that were there that night. The legion has been picking off the other clients, one by one.”
“Did you know that Marge didn’t own the brothel?”
“There was another woman.” Rosa grimaced. “I think. I don’t trust my mind right now. It’s cloudy.”
Sam’s voice was careful as she spoke. “I have someone who could search your mind if you –”
“No. I don’t want anyone else inside me.”
The panic and agony in her wide eyes made my chest ache. “That’s fine,” I softly assured her.
Sam shifted from foot to foot. “I’m sorry to have to do this, Rosa, but I need to ask you some questions. We’re trying to track down the owner and the others involved, but it hasn’t been easy. What do you remember?”
“I remember being kidnapped. I was on my way home from my friend’s house. A van pulled up in front of me, and two guys in black jumped out of the side door and dragged me inside. I fought them, but then one of them touched my forehead and, just like that, I couldn’t move. Couldn’t even scream. When the van finally stopped, the door opened and there was this woman with Marge. I don’t remember much about the woman.” She squinted, rubbing her temples.