Page 28 of Wanted
“You better be good in bed because you obviously won’t be catering to her expenses. Even then, she’ll only be happy for so long. Slap her around once in a while for me too.” He laughs, and my fist lands that blow I’ve been dying to give him.
I can hear Lauren cursing behind me as I raise my hands for security when they come running over. He’s not nearly as smug now as he was before, with his nose twisted and broken, blood gushing down his face. Grinning when he looks at me, I follow security as they escort me out. He doesn’t find it so funny now, and I’m okay with that.
“That was stupid, Decker. So fucking stupid,” Lauren keeps repeating.
“Felt pretty good.” She shakes her head at me.
Ican’t believe what Lauren told me.
Hale hit Mason.
Broke his nose, more specifically.
I wasn’t expecting that. I wasn’t expecting him to even be here. Lord, when I saw him sitting there, I wanted to run into his arms, hold him close and never let him go. I thought I was okay. I thought I could move past my failed marriage and have a future with him once I was free of Mason, but he didn’t stop me from leaving his house that morning, and I thought it was over.
Though, Andrea and Lauren were right.
I hate it when that happens.
We both needed time and distance.
I didn’t want either, but he deserved both. And now he’s here. And he throttled Mason for me. Lauren barely held herself together when telling us that. She laughed so hard she cried, saying that she rarely gets to witness such a monumental moment. I wish I could have seen it too. Seen that Mason isn’t as tough as I have him built up in my mind. I’d like to have seen him knocked down a peg or two.
It’s nearing sundown now, and Lauren promised she’d bring Hale here because my room is more secure than his. It requires a keycard to get to my floor and a card and code to get into my room. It’s as safe as they can make me. While they don’t believe Mason will come after me, they don’t want to leave anything to chance, either.
I just want Hale.
I had no idea how much I would miss him until I left. Him floating in and out of my life so many times a week, he was nearly my shadow for so long. Leaving him behind felt wrong. I know there are a million things we still need to learn about each other, and I need to explore who I am again, but I don’t want to simply toss what we have out the window just because I’m now free to go wherever I want.
A knock on the door startles me from my spot on the balcony, gazing out at the city I thought I would love and call home. I only feel suffocation here anymore. Rushing to the door, I anticipate it being Hale and Lauren. Checking the peephole, I am graced by a scowling Hale, who has a layer of scruff on his face that I want to run my fingers over.
Opening the door, I think he’s surprised to see me because his entire expression changes from serious and brooding to something I don’t think I recognize but hope to.
“Have fun, kids!” Lauren calls out as she continues to her room.
We stand there until hearing her door close, and I finally say, “You hit him.”
“I should have shot him.” There’s no hesitation.
“Are you in trouble?” I’d seriously hate to be the reason for that.
His head shakes as his eyes travel around the door frame. “Are you going to invite me in?” His fingers are restless at his side, and I wonder if that’s because he wants to touch me.
Stepping back, he enters, brushing his fingers across my stomach as he does. My body reacts with a shiver, and my eyes drift shut. I don’t understand how I could miss his touch when we’ve barely been together long. Closing the door and locking it, I turn to stare at him while leaning against the heavy wood. I wanted Hale here, but now I have no idea what to even say to him.
“I’m not mad, you know,” he confides, standing in the middle of the room. “I was never mad. Shocked, sure, because it baffles me that a man could lay a finger on you. He should have cherished you. You know that, right?” His leisurely steps bring him closer to me, and I stand up straighter as he approaches.
“I know you would have.”
“Will,” he corrects, and I can’t help my smile.
I acknowledge I believe him. I’m not fixed yet, but I’m on the mend, and I believe with my whole heart that Hale will be the one to help me get there. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”