Page 97 of Beauty
You can do this, Aurora.
Just once, and he will set you free.
Ignore your father.
Ignore everything.
The sink slowly fills with water, and I look at the reflection of the girl leaning over. All I can think of is shoving my face inside until I no longer breathe.
I lift my head and listen.
That sounded like … a bomb.
The same kind that was used when my house was blown to bits.
Another loud bang makes the house shake.
My heart stops.
Two minutesearlier
I openthe trunk of the car and stare at the box filled with guns, knives, grenades, ammo, and more. Luca made me drive back to his building for it and stuffed it in the back, but this is the first time I’m looking at it.
I’m impressed.
“Where’d you get all of this?” I ask.
“Where do you think?” he retorts, winking. “Sons do what sons do best.”
“Steal,” I fill in.
“I prefer the term ‘borrow,’” he replies, making a fake rainbow with his hands.
“Thought I’d recognized these,” I mutter as I pick up one of the guns.
“My father’s preferred weapons,” he says. “Hard to miss, but draws a lot of attention. He’s dramatic, I tell you that.”
“No drama, no attention,” I growl.
He picks up a silencer and hands it to me. “This more your thing?”
I grab one of the smoke bombs from the bottom of the box. “No. This.”
“Ahh … the stealthy type?” he muses.
“No,” I say, and I grab some more of the pipe bombs he made. “I just like the element of surprise.”
A taunting smile erupts on his face. “All right. I like the sound of that.” He grabs a few guns, lots of ammo, and a couple of knives and tucks it all under his belt. “You ready beasty-boy?”
I grab as many weapons as I can before I close the trunk. “Don’t call me that.”