Page 39 of Chained
She reached out and grabbed my hand, squeezing it gently. “It’s okay, Miles,” she assured me, her eyes slightly pained, but still beaming at me. I knew she was missing Damien.
I blew out a soft breath in relief. Hayley leaned forward on the cart as she headed for the juice aisle. “Is that Daddy?” she asked William as she pointed a finger at me.
William eagerly nodded his head, reaching out for me. “Dada,” he called, his fingers making grabbing motions.
I laughed, feeling my throat close up with emotion as I lifted him out of the cart, holding him in my arms. “Yeah, kiddo—Daddy,” I told him softly, pressing a kiss to his head.
I promise I’ll raise him and love him just as you would have, Damien.
I flippedthrough the file Quinn had given me. Hayley sat next to me, looking at the file I held in my hands. She sucked in a sharp breath. “Miles, why do you have that?” she asked me quietly, nervousness filling her voice. I could also hear an undertone of fear.
I looked over at her, meeting her gorgeous blue eyes. “Because I’m holding true to my promise—I’m keeping you protected,” I told her.
“These people are dangerous,” she told me, swallowing thickly. “You’ll get hurt.” Fear danced in her eyes—fear of losing someone else again. She had already lost so much.
I shook my head at her. “You know better than that. I know what I’m doing, and I never go in blind.” I reminded her.
Her bottom lip trembled as her eyes filled with tears. “I can’t lose you, too,” she choked out, finally voicing her real fear.
I set the file on the arm of the couch and wrapped her up in my arms. “You won’t lose me, Hayley. I know what I’m doing,” I assured her. “I’m not Damien. I know I’m not invincible. I take extreme measures to make sure that I don’t suffer the same fate he did. You will not lose me,” I tried reassuring her, but I know my words weren’t truly helping her.
I knew the only thing she pictured was Damien covered in blood and dying in front of her. Hell, some nights, it still haunted me.
She wrapped her arms around my waist. “I can’t stop you,” she whispered. “But please promise me that you will always come back home to me safe and sound.”
I pressed my lips to the top of her head. “I can’t promise safe and sound, but I can promise alive, Hayley,” I assured her.
She nodded, knowing that was as good as I could give her.
I will not fail you, Hayley. You have my word, I silently promised her.