Page 12 of Daddy's Little Survivor (Daddy 25)
He smiled, stood, and helped her to stand.
“I need to use the restroom,” she said.
He pulled her over to the bathroom. “Go ahead. We’ll be in the kitchen.”
He waited until she closed the door before walking to the kitchen. A smile crossed his face when he saw Caylee on Nolan’s lap, eating from the spoon he held for her. He could feel the intimacy between them and needed to work on his and Holly’s.
Jonah had everything ready. “Honey, come here.”
He loved how she did what he asked without hesitating or questioning him. After arranging her in his lap, he started feeding her and then himself.
The more time they spent together with the touching and intimacy, they were building a bond between the two. Doing things like him feeding her from his hand were important to growing and deepening their emotional bond and keeping the girls with them.
When they were done, he set her on the sofa with Caylee so the guys could clean up.
“Honey,” Jonah said as he came to sit down beside her. “Can you tell us your address? We’ll have a few friends check things out at your apartment.”
“Can they bring us some clothes?” Caylee asked.
“We’ll see. If they can’t, I can get some from a friend who has a woman about your size until we can get you some new things.”
“I don’t want you to spend money on me,” Holly said.
“Even if it would make me happy?”
She studied his face, and then her shoulders dropped. “No. I want you to be happy.”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead before he texted his guys after she told him the necessary information. When he was done, he wrapped her in a blanket. “How about a movie?”
“Yes, I think I’d like that,” she said.
He watched her relax against the back of the sofa and smile. He’d do anything to keep the haunted look out of her eyes.
Chapter Eight
They had finished a second movie and made dinner when Jonah felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He walked into another room to answer. “Yeah.”
“Hey, it’s me, man,” Brayden said.
“What’s up?”
“You might want Nolan in on the conversation.”
Shit, that didn’t sound good. He called out for Nolan.
“Close the door,” he said when Nolan came in. “Brayden wanted to talk to us.”
Nolan stood beside him and crossed his arms over his chest.
“We reconned the area before we tried to get into their place. Two people are watching for them in separate locations. We studied them, and they looked like young novices. They got bored easily and would meet and smoke a joint and talk. We got in the back of their place, and man, I have to tell you, these fuckers tore everything they own. We tried to find one piece of clothing intact, but we couldn’t. Not even bras or panties. You’re not going to want them ever to see this.”
Jonah clutched the back of his neck. Fuck. How would they tell them everything they owned and their lives from a few days ago were gone forever?
“You got out okay?” Nolan asked.
Jose snorted. “He’s not asking us that, Brayden, is he?”
“You have to remember they’re old and can’t move the way we young folk can anymore.”